CPUID HW Monitor showing very high voltage

Aaron Robbins

Oct 20, 2013
The voltage in my BIOS for overclocking my AMD FX 6300 is set to 1.275V. CPUID shows anywhere between 1.728 and 1.824V. CPU-Z shows a normal 1.296V-1.368V. Not sure what's going on here. Is this normal?

Honest to god I didn't even think about that. Let me download and install the latest version and I'll report back ASAP

I don't use EasyTune (Gigabyte monitor utility). I changed my voltage in the BIOS to 1.300V. HWMonitor and CPU-Z both say anywhere between 1.320V and 1.356V. It's small if you consider that difference small. I'll download EasyTune if you recommend I use that.