Hey, I have a hyper tx2 coolermaster CPU cooler, but my fan is cracked on it and now it makes a loud cracking noise when it spins. I'm looking to replace it, but I'm not sure what I need. This is what I have: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103031R&cm_re=hyper_tx2-_-35-103-031R-_-Product
It says 92mm fan... can I just get any fan that size? I'm looking at some but they say "case fan", so I'm not sure if that would work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
edit: Also, any suggestions on how to fix a cracked CPU fan? There is just a slight crack in the center of the fan; I was just going to throw some tape on it and hope it at least muffles the sound if nothing else.
It says 92mm fan... can I just get any fan that size? I'm looking at some but they say "case fan", so I'm not sure if that would work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
edit: Also, any suggestions on how to fix a cracked CPU fan? There is just a slight crack in the center of the fan; I was just going to throw some tape on it and hope it at least muffles the sound if nothing else.