Hello, recently out of anger I have punched my monitor dead center. Near the bottom is a crack that looks like a V. On the first day, there were deadspots on both cracks, kinda looked like black ink. Second day, the "ink", was almost gone only showing the cracks. Byut now there is a dark black thick line on both cracks, and its spreading even further by the day. Somebody please help! This is my monitor https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-390-series-24-led-curved-fhd-freesync-monitor-high-glossy-black/5044601.p?skuId=5044601&cmp=RMX&extStoreId=579&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwwo7cBRBwEiwAMEoXPK_tDKJXmSncVkabL-1OmJovFHiH402Cgsg20X1c5XrMA_PHiGZ4eBoCa68QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds