[Crawl] Sacrificing?



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Um... how would one go about sacrificing something to his/her God?
Does it work for both monsters and items?

Thanks :)


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xvxkainxvx@aol.com (XvX Kain XvX) wrote in message news:<20040430175328.20035.00000443@mb-m24.aol.com>...
> Um... how would one go about sacrificing something to his/her God?
> Does it work for both monsters and items?

To sacrifice an item, pray while the item is in altar. You propably
have to be already praying (that is, you have to pray twice to perform
sacrifices). I haven't tried to do it without standing on the altar,
so it mightn't work in other cases.

You cannot sacrifice monsters, on altars atleast. You can dedicate a
kill to your god if you kill someone while praying, but remember that
all gods won't accept kills... Also, the ones that accept kills will
propably all accept corpses too. To sacrifice a corpse, dissect while
your prayer is on.

Trog is good for a first deity, he accepts both kills and sacrifices,
and even more piety if you kill magic users. You don't want to cast
spells, though. He didn't throw bolts or anything if I killed with
wands or read scrolls, but I wasn't praying at the time...
Berserkers start as Trog's worshippers, and Trog has already granted
them the ability to go to berserk. It is a wonderful ability!
Remember, if you are low on hitpoints, berserk might save you even
when you are fightinh versus poison instead of monsters! My HoF #1,
demonspawn (I think) berserker, barely escaped from Snake Pits and was
saved from ~2 hp by berserking. He later died when he found some most
irritating ZOT traps, and a dragon. If I just had understood that
levitation can get you over traps safely... :(

new to Crawl, and having fun with Demonspawn Chaos Knights worshipping
the One True (at 50% change) RNG Xom.


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xvxkainxvx@aol.com (XvX Kain XvX) wrote in message news:<20040430175328.20035.00000443@mb-m24.aol.com>...
> Um... how would one go about sacrificing something to his/her God?
> Does it work for both monsters and items?
> Thanks :)

To sacrafice a monster -- kill it first, pray, and then butcher the
monster with "D" (that's "SHIFT+d" for "D". "d" is drop; "D" is
butcher) while you're praying.

To sacrafice items -- find your god's alter, drop the items, and pray.
(doesn't hurt to pray, step onto the alter, drop the items, and then
pray again)


Some gods don't like certain items that are sacraficed to them. Trog
likes bodies being sacraficed and enemies being killed "in his name"
(AKA: When you're praying and kill a enemy) and weapons/armor being
sacraficed, however, another god (Like Zin or The Shining One) may not
like you sacraficing bodies/other items to them. However, if you
sacrafice a good item to your god, and your god likes items being
sacraficed to him, then you will quickly raise your relationship with
that god and could get something nice in return... (Trog gives weapons
and sometimes armor; Okawaru does the same; every god gives you some
sort of power to you, as long as you remain in favour with them)

One last thing: Abandoning your religion may not be the wisest choice.
If trog is exhaulted by your worship and you abandon him, he will send
down various trolls and other nasties to kill you.

Choose wisely.


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J.M. Joensuu wrote:

> xvxkainxvx@aol.com (XvX Kain XvX) wrote in message news:<20040430175328.20035.00000443@mb-m24.aol.com>...
>>Um... how would one go about sacrificing something to his/her God?
>>Does it work for both monsters and items?
> To sacrifice an item, pray while the item is in altar. You propably
> have to be already praying (that is, you have to pray twice to perform
> sacrifices).

You do not have to be already praying. A single prayer while standing
on the altar will suffice.

Graeme Dice
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology
has exceeded our humanity."
-- Albert Einstein


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In article <79675fb3.0405010819.590aea42@posting.google.com>,
J.M. Joensuu <j87joensuu@hotmail.com> wrote:
// xvxkainxvx@aol.com (XvX Kain XvX) wrote in message
// news:<20040430175328.20035.00000443@mb-m24.aol.com>...
// > Um... how would one go about sacrificing something to his/her God?
// > Does it work for both monsters and items?
// >
// To sacrifice an item, pray while the item is in altar. You propably
// have to be already praying (that is, you have to pray twice to perform
// sacrifices). I haven't tried to do it without standing on the altar,
// so it mightn't work in other cases.

You only have to pray once, it's standing over the altar that marks an
altar prayer.

// You cannot sacrifice monsters, on altars at least.

You most certainly can.

Brent Ross


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On Sat, 1 May 2004 19:03:07 +0000 (UTC), in a fit of madness
bwross@csclub.uwaterloo.ca (Brent Ross) declared:

>In article <79675fb3.0405010819.590aea42@posting.google.com>,
>J.M. Joensuu <j87joensuu@hotmail.com> wrote:

>// You cannot sacrifice monsters, on altars at least.
>You most certainly can.

Really? I thought you could only sacrifice corpses (or do an ordinary
dedicated kill while the monster incidently happens to stand on an
altar, of course). Please elaborate your response.

R. Dan Henry


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Mechanoid wrote:
> xvxkainxvx@aol.com (XvX Kain XvX) wrote in message news:<20040430175328.20035.00000443@mb-m24.aol.com>...
>>Um... how would one go about sacrificing something to his/her God?
>>Does it work for both monsters and items?


>However, if you
> sacrafice a good item to your god, and your god likes items being
> sacraficed to him, then you will quickly raise your relationship with
> that god and could get something nice in return...

Sacrificing items is usually no faster than dedicating kills and
sacrificing corpses, and the item cost only influences the chance of
piety gain, not the amount gained. Elyvillion is very worthwhile to
sacrifice cheap weapons to though, as that can bring you up to the point
where you can cast minor healing while still in the temple.

Graeme Dice
"In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did
succeed in making those idiots understand their own language."
-- Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad, 1869


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Mechanoid <necromancer_90@hotmail.com> wrote:
> (Trog gives weapons and sometimes armor; Okawaru does the same; every
> god gives you some sort of power to you, as long as you remain in
> favour with them)

Trog does not give armour, as far as I know.

He does give some interesting weapons though, but trolls might want to
be careful about weilding any unknown weapon for Trog.

Some int penalties can be a killer. :(

Jesse Meyer

PS: I've been trying to raise intelligence a point or two with my
'stupid' trolls now -- I have _two_ deaths due to forgetting to breath.

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Jesse Meyer <meyer@btinet.net> whined:

> Trog does not give armour, as far as I know.

That's right. Was recently pointed out by someone who knows, too.

> PS: I've been trying to raise intelligence a point or two with
> my 'stupid' trolls now -- I have _two_ deaths due to forgetting
> to breath.

Similar can happen with other stats, too. Had one character who
became to weak to continue and collapsed under his own weight. He
could still _think_ about that being pretty inconvenient. <g>

What happens to someone who loses all Dex?

Tina the Hoplite - an Elder of the Roaming Noxious Guard