News Creality unveils multicolor 3D printer for under $500

There are full colour 3D printers, they are just very expensive. Stratasys have a line of them called Polyjet which can do multi colour and multi material.

So your statement, "even the best 3D printers are limited by the color of the spool of filament (or vat of resin) they use. ", is wrong.
I ordered the k2 with the cfs system about a month and a half ago, I'm still waiting for it to ship out.

I been told they are having trouble stocking the cfs systems. So please creality let's get the current orders out before you start making new combos with the cfs systems.
There are full colour 3D printers, they are just very expensive. Stratasys have a line of them called Polyjet which can do multi colour and multi material.

So your statement, "even the best 3D printers are limited by the color of the spool of filament (or vat of resin) they use. ", is wrong.
The now-defunct M3D had the full color CraneQuad.
Even at retail, under $1000.

I had one. I got mine in the initial kickstarter for around $500.
Was great, when it worked. But it was far too finicky to keep running.
And then they closed up shop.