Creative Sound Blaster Settings won't work or save?

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Mar 11, 2017
Just installed a SoundBlasterX AE-5, sounds great with my Beyerdynamics DT990 Pro's BUT absolutely none of the sound settings within the Soundblaster Connect Software seem to work. No matter what equalizer settings or presets I use the sound remains exactly the same?!

This is my Dashboard, notice how the "BlasterX Acoustic Engine" is turned on and notice that all the options within are switched "off"...

Well they shouldn't be off as the first 3 are clearly switched on here...

Same goes for the "Equalizer", the Dashboard shows it's set to "Concert" but it's clearly set to Neutral here...

It seems like no matter what sound options I choose within the software that nothing actually sticks and the Dashboard remains unchanged along with the sound output.

Any ideas?

I have the Latest version of Sound Blaster Connect:

In fact I've also just noticed that none of my "Sound" or "Voice" options even save when I close the software down and restart it?! Everything is just switched "Off" when I restart the software or the PC?!! Any Equalizer settings and things like Mic Noise Reduction etc are returned to "Off" upon restarting.

I have emailed their Support but wondering if any of you lot have come across this issue?

I also tried uninstalled the following:

Creative Alchemy
Connection Service
Sound Blaster Connect 2

Deleted everything in: C:\Programs Files (86)\Creative

Then reinstalled drivers as Administrator.

But still the settings don't actually change the audio sounds and also don't save when the software is restarted or the PC reboots.

Just to add before installing the card I disabled my onboard audio via my BIOS.

Hang on, think I may know why, I was using 'Direct HP' mode and apparently the EQ does not work at all in that mode!

I've switched to 'Headphones' mode and now it seems to be working.

Strange how my "Voice" (mic) settings wouldn't save though when using 'Direct HP', not quite sure why the 'Sound' settings should affect the 'Voice' settings.
I have the same problem, OC. And this since I own this sound card, which is over 6 months now. There is still the same version of Sound Blaster Connect 2 installed on my PC, still no update and it doesnt save my Acoustic Engine settings! I bet we both are not the only one with this problem but I don't find anyone complaining about it on the official Creative Forum, which is kind of strange.


You say that you have installed
for me it is on the settings tab, and that is the version I have installed since 6 month. Like I said, there was never an update for this software, Im using the check button frequently.


Nvm, yours is the newest version, the check button therefore never worked, nice coding by Creative, thats for sure.
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