Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)
I worked in the wireless industry for just over 4 years for
SunCom/AT&T Wireless before I left the company in February of this
My girlfriend at the time had a phone through AT&T WS for roughly 4
years, before SunCom was bought out. She later added her mom to her
account as they shared the family plan, which allowed for free M2M at
that time (her mom was added while it was still SunCom as well). Time
went on, service became unbearable, so she cancelled her main line,
but left the secondary line (her mom) active.
I, am employee of AT&T Wireless, decided I had enough of the service
and activated service for my girlfriend (now my wife) and myself with
Nextel. We have had our service with Nextel for just over a year and
are happy with our decision.
Her mom, recently de-activated her phone, which was still under my
wife's account. AT&T Wireless did have to get permission from my wife
to close the account. All is fine there.
Her mom, then ported her number over to Cingular. Cingular, when
taking in the port, must have acquired my wife's SSN and ran her
credit. They also ran her mom's credit (as well they should) since
the account was going to be in her name. Her mom, nor did my wife
NEVER authorized Cingular to run my wife's credit and we are rather
upset about their unauthorized viewing of her credit history. Can
anyone tell me WHY Cingular had to run my wife's credit, since she
does not have account with Cingular? And why weren't we informed?
What is my next recourse of action? I've never had a situation like
this one before, but I sure don't want to have this happen again.
Issuing a fraud alet on my wife's SSN is a possibility, but is
Cingular liable for anything here?
Please help.
Sharon Needles (of course, not my real name)
I worked in the wireless industry for just over 4 years for
SunCom/AT&T Wireless before I left the company in February of this
My girlfriend at the time had a phone through AT&T WS for roughly 4
years, before SunCom was bought out. She later added her mom to her
account as they shared the family plan, which allowed for free M2M at
that time (her mom was added while it was still SunCom as well). Time
went on, service became unbearable, so she cancelled her main line,
but left the secondary line (her mom) active.
I, am employee of AT&T Wireless, decided I had enough of the service
and activated service for my girlfriend (now my wife) and myself with
Nextel. We have had our service with Nextel for just over a year and
are happy with our decision.
Her mom, recently de-activated her phone, which was still under my
wife's account. AT&T Wireless did have to get permission from my wife
to close the account. All is fine there.
Her mom, then ported her number over to Cingular. Cingular, when
taking in the port, must have acquired my wife's SSN and ran her
credit. They also ran her mom's credit (as well they should) since
the account was going to be in her name. Her mom, nor did my wife
NEVER authorized Cingular to run my wife's credit and we are rather
upset about their unauthorized viewing of her credit history. Can
anyone tell me WHY Cingular had to run my wife's credit, since she
does not have account with Cingular? And why weren't we informed?
What is my next recourse of action? I've never had a situation like
this one before, but I sure don't want to have this happen again.
Issuing a fraud alet on my wife's SSN is a possibility, but is
Cingular liable for anything here?
Please help.
Sharon Needles (of course, not my real name)