Cross Platform Gaming


Jun 3, 2014
Can somebody explain why this doesn't happen very often, not so much PC and consoles, I get that somebody who is good at COD with a keyboard and mouse will own controller people. But maybe PS and XBOX, most of my friends play GTA (expect me and one other friend, both waiting for the PC release) it would be awesome to just all play together even though we all have different systems.

But sticking with COD, I have played ghosts on both XBOX one and PC, the population is astoundingly different, on XBOX, there is a few 100,000 people at least in most game types, while on PC there was normally less than 4000 people total, would it not make sense to have one huge set of servers for every console?

If this is a stupid question, don't bite my head off, I have no clue about coding and that aspect of gaming, I just put PC's together :p


Jun 3, 2014

I got that bit, I'm not expecting Halo on PS4 any time soon, would be nice for independent companies to sort something out though.

No, I mean the console manufacturers are competing, so they don't want to help each other. You have to pay for xbox live/ ect so if they start working together they kind of hinder each other, it makes the decision of which console is better easier or something.