Question Stumped on a random DRAM light.


Jun 13, 2021
Problem randomly started occurring the past month or so during transition of G.skill trident Royal kit and I then returned that memory for Corsair Titanium... I was running the Royal kit and while its not perfect for my board it kinda worked running a 6400mhz kit @ 6000mhz but it still ran hot during gaming, so I swapped for Corsair titanium 48gb @ 6000mhz it runs about 10-15C cooler than my G.skill did. However during all of this I'm getting random DRAM lights on my MB (Aorus Z690 Ultra) it only occurs maybe once or twice a week. I can reboot and it goes away, and typically the machine still posts even if the DRAM light comes on, its only failed boot once. I can check task manager and memory shows set bios speed and proper amount of memory available.

My bios is slightly out of date but I've seen a few issues of people running F28 and less issues out of F27 so I've been hesitant to update, as far as settings with Corsair im just using XMP profile 2 @ 6200MHZ and its been fine, passes benchmarks and runs games. I did have memory boot set to Auto, I can maybe eliminate the problem enabling/disabling memory fast boot? or Normal boot? not sure of the differences. Possibility of me suffering from 14700k failure? or maybe MB is faulty? I've had the board 2-3 years now?


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Motherboard: make, model, version?

Check your motherboard's User Guide/Manual. Some motherboards require that the first physically installed RAM be placed in a specific slot - likely DIMMA2.

That does matter.

Refer to the manual to also doublecheck that all installed devices are supported, properly connected, and configured.