Crossfire AMD cards vs one nVidia Card

Wave Edits

Oct 12, 2013
Hey guys, I was curious whether it would be better for me to crossfire two AMD r9 280's (not "x" version), or whether one nvidia 770 would be better. Would be running with an AMD 8320, and 16GB ram.
did you find a good deal on a 780?

you know the 970 is a new architecture with a extra gb of vram but the 780 is definitely still good especially if the price is right and it is a ti
well it would be cheaper to throw another 280 in if you have one now provided you have the power supply and motherboard for it but what you should consider is the games you play and if they support crossfire

edit-well a 780 or 970 would be stronger but a 770 would just not be worth it

alright. If i bought a 280 I'd have to get a new power supply, but if i just took out my 280 and got a 780 then i wouldnt have to get another psu