Cryoig M9i problems


Nov 7, 2016
Does anyone have any experience with this cooler? This is my first build and I am having trouble getting the backplate installed onto my Asrock extreme4 z170 motherboard.

The hexagon pillars supplied keep falling off. The manual says they should "snap-lock" but i've tried and can't seem to get them to lock into place. If I turn over the backplate, they simply fall out or are very loose. This makes fitting it onto the motherboard an absolute nightmare.

I've given up for the day but I still want to know what I'm doing wrong. The installation video on YouTube looked so straightforward, but that isn't the case for me.

Is it normal for those long screws to fall out if you turn the backplate over (like the guy did on the video, he turned the backplate over and put it on the table)? They start to fall out if I do what the guy did (put the long screws in, turn the backplate over and place it on the table) which creates a problem when trying to put the backplate on at the back of the mobo because they're either very loose or fall out.


yeah there normal to fall out until you tighten it
Given up again on this

They are way too loose it seems and no matter what I do, they remain that way. I tried holding the long screws while inserting the numbered brackets and while they don't fall out when the brackets are screwed in place, the backplate and its screws love to move around. Shouldn't the backplate be secure and not move?

The guy in the demo video could easily turn the backplate without having the screws just fall out. I'm not sure why the same isn't happening for me.
If I turn to the AMD side and put the long screws into its holes, they actually go in place properly and are not loose at all. I can freely turn the backplate over without worrying they will fall out.

Have I been supplied the wrong screws/backplate?

No don't think so, the purpose of those black rings are to hold the screw in place so they don't fall out. When I installed my friends the black rings had only one way that could go on and it fit sort of snug over the screw so it could only move a little bit. Hope this helps.
The thing that's worrying me is even when those black rings are in place, those long screws will move but cannot fall out because it's being stopped. This movement is causing the backplate to also wiggle about.

I'm too afraid to put on the heatsink to test if it mounts properly because I don't want to mess up thermal paste (which hasn't been applied yet).

For the installer in the demo video they have, the screws didn't fall out that easily like they do for me. He could turn the backplate over, place it on the table and they didn't drop out. For me, they fall out no matter what like they aren't being secured on the backplate properly.

When I installed my friends it wiggled like crazy, It is a two person job one person to hold the cooler flat on the cpu while the second person screws all of the screws in place. Don't worry you won't mess anything up just make sure when you first touch the cpu to the cooler its going on completely flat and then your good.
Would it be harmful to the CPU if I did a test install? By test install, I mean put the cooler on without any paste, screw everything as you normally would to confirm the cooler fits nicely on the CPU. Then, remove it and do the real install with the paste applied?


I wouldn't do a test install i think your just over thinking things! You got this!
Well, I'm just wondering what I'll do if the heatsink doesn't mount properly due to the loose backplate. Even the numbered brackets were moving to the side slightly. All in all, it doesn't fill me with confidence.

Worse scenario you re apply thermal paste :)

I've built so many computers man I just use a soft cloth at this point.
And odds are your not going to need to reapply once its flattened evenly its very difficult to mess up.
My mind keeps telling me they supplied me with the M9a screws since they fit perfectly and actually snap as they're supposed to on the AMD side of the backplate. I can move the backplate freely without needing to worry about them dropping out. I can even shake it and they still never drop out.

On the Intel side, I have to literally hold all 4 hex screws with my bare hands in order to stop them dropping out. If I don't hold them at all times, they will drop out and they've occasionally rolled onto the floor because of it. I don't think it should be this bad.

I have contacted Cryorig regarding this to see what they say.

I used the intel installation also and yes the screws were very loose and yes it was installed correctly.
So CRYORIG got back to me and said the following:

"The issue you're facing is more like a problem with the mounting holes on the backplate.
Sometimes the screws can not snap-lock on the backplate because of manufacturing varieties but it's rare case to see all four screws have this issue at the same time. To solve this, I'll have someone send you the screws and backplate which will be examined by our technician but I will need the following information for the shipment,"

Looks like I was right and there was an issue with what was supplied to me. I'll await this new arrival and see how it goes.