[citation][nom]Christopher1[/nom]Willard, wake the hell up. They ARE taking security seriously. The problem is that you cannot 'predict' every single hole in your security that someone might use to get into your systems.It's time to stop expecting these companies to be miracle-workers and stop every hack before it happens.[/citation]
Christopher1, wake the hell up. I'm NOT talking about 0-day exploits. I'm talking about companies who detect intrusions years after the fact because they aren't performing proper audits. I'm talking about companies who let dumbass wannabe hackers like LulzSec in because they have admin accounts with the password admin. I'm talking about companies who don't even try to follow security best practices and as a result, put the personal information of millions of users at risk.
The vast majority of hacks are not super talented people breaking down the security door, so to speak. They're using well known vulnerabilities to exploit systems that would have been secure if they had the latest patches, or bothered to do trivial things like sanitize database inputs. Failure to sanitize DB inputs was actually what allowed the Sony hack last year.
I don't want miracles, I just want competence.