upgrade_1977, thanks for the info! Oh well, never mind...
oh-kaye, your E8300 will hold back what the 6870 is capable of for sure, depending on the
game, etc. Ordinarily one would say just upgrade to a quad core, but good quads for S775
are crazy expensive 2nd-hand; people are paying more for Q9* CPUs than the cost of a
_new_ 2500K (what mbd do you have btw?). For less than the cost of buying a used Q9650
you could easily build a P55 setup with an i5 750/760 (or even an 860/870 if you're lucky),
more/faster RAM, and have a much better system all round (keeping your 6870, PSU, case,
etc.) Even an oc'd 540 will run rings round the latest 2100 SB for gaming. A low cost TRUE
RevC cooler + decent fan will give a huge oc on a 750/760 (4.4GHz), perfect for gaming.
And if you're not bothered about SLI/CF support then board prices will be lower, though it's
still very easy to get a good board that does have SLI/CF for little outlay.
Oh, a lower cost upgrade I suppose would be a Q6600 G0; it overclocks to a decent
degree, but you need a good mbd, cooler & RAM to do this properly (at stock speed,
I think your E8300 will be faster for tasks that don't use more than 2 cores).
Here's a simple example of something I've just built for a friend, all sourced from eBay
except for the cooler & fan which I bought new (all these example prices include the
shipping costs I paid):
Asrock H55M-GE: 27 UKP (for myself I struck lucky recently: Asrock P55 Deluxe for only 29!!)
Corsair 4GB DDR3/1600 (2x2GB) CL9: 19 UKP
i3 540: 58 UKP (an i5 750/760 would be +20 to +40 more)
Thermaltake Toughpower 700W Modular: 51 UKP
TRUE + Gelid Wing Blue 12 UV: 38 UKP
Antec 300 case: 34 UKP
Total: 227 UKP
Now compare that to recent typical Q9* auctions here:
So, you could upgrade with a Q6600 G0, but really a better platform is preferable IMO.
If buying new, SB 2500K would be my choice. For used, ya can't beat P55 imo.
NB: My friend doesn't really need 3D, but atm it's fitted with a 9800GT 1GB which cost 40.