crysis 3 fps? fx 8350 + r7 260x 8gb 2400mhz

I just saw a video playing it on very high settings with 2xSMAA running around 25-30 at 1080. Your card can run Battlefield 4 on high settings at 900p at a solid 60fps so I honestly don't see why Crysis 3 shouldn't run on medium at your desired resolution.

By the way when I bought my GTX660 I was told by many, many people on youtube and in forums that it was a terrible card and that I wouldn't be able to run anything. I honestly didn't find many games that couldn't run at near ultra. Metro Last Light and Crysis 3 gave it trouble but that was at 1080 on ultra settings. PC gamers tend to exaggerate. So in my opinion you should be good.

Benchmark of Battlefield 4 running perfectly. It starts to struggle at 1080...
I just saw a video playing it on very high settings with 2xSMAA running around 25-30 at 1080. Your card can run Battlefield 4 on high settings at 900p at a solid 60fps so I honestly don't see why Crysis 3 shouldn't run on medium at your desired resolution.

By the way when I bought my GTX660 I was told by many, many people on youtube and in forums that it was a terrible card and that I wouldn't be able to run anything. I honestly didn't find many games that couldn't run at near ultra. Metro Last Light and Crysis 3 gave it trouble but that was at 1080 on ultra settings. PC gamers tend to exaggerate. So in my opinion you should be good.

Benchmark of Battlefield 4 running perfectly. It starts to struggle at 1080:

Video of Crysis 3 running on very high at 30fps:
By the way it depends on whether you don't mind running at or below 60fps. I'm kind of curious about the video I just saw of that card running at 30fps on very high. I have a 970 and with vsync on Crysis 3 runs at 30fps on those same settings.

I think you'll get between 50-60 with vsync off.
Systems vary... Two of the same configurations don't always act the same. Crytek is known for over piling on the filters it helps their games remain future proof. It's hard on all GPUs. Watching someone do something on YouTube with "x" card with "x" build does not mean you will get the same with equatable parts. If you want to try it just try it and see how it goes the game is like $3 so you aren't losing anything.