Yougamers has the gameometer update to assess your Pc for C3 Gameometer
so I thought I'd check out my potential,
two Asus6950 2Gb@ stock
8Gb of 1600 Ram
**Edit, at stock on the cpu (3.6GHz) I got a Cpu/Gpu warning, could play but they were below the optimum recommmended, a quick reboot solved that though so it looks like a stock 975 will bottleneck the 6950's as once its clocked theres no problems 😛
Looks like I'll be ok running it, how is everyone else set?
so I thought I'd check out my potential,
two Asus6950 2Gb@ stock
8Gb of 1600 Ram
**Edit, at stock on the cpu (3.6GHz) I got a Cpu/Gpu warning, could play but they were below the optimum recommmended, a quick reboot solved that though so it looks like a stock 975 will bottleneck the 6950's as once its clocked theres no problems 😛
Looks like I'll be ok running it, how is everyone else set?