Free to PAY games are against my religion.
I'm not a fan of paying for my games forever either (but this is basically just that I guess). These days if the sticker is over $40 and I don't get more than that in hrs I put my wallet back and wait for the next strategy or rpg hit.
I think these are akin to buying lotto tickets. Really just a tax on the stupid.
😉 The quickest way to make me not buy your game is have free to play included. When that line comes up in a review I immediately start reading a review on ANOTHER game as I cross yours off my list...LOL. DRM gets the same treatment. I will never buy Diablo 3 or apparently any future EA game as they go completely free to play from here out. Expect bankruptcy morons. You will continue to lose money EA, until you start treating your customers as customers instead of criminals and idiots. I will never pay you $40-60 and need to spend ONE buck more later. It's just not going to happen. My wallet doesn't even come out for less than 20hrs at any price. Call me jaded, I don't care about graphics as much as gameplay these days. I can't even be bothered to start up a 10hr game. I can finish that in one sitting on a weekend. I've had more fun in the last few years of gog games than my last 10 paying for retail crap and saved a ton of money doing it.
Bring on torchlight 3, wasteland 2, the next ultima etc...Sell them on gog or you won't get my money most likely even with those. I haven't bought a console game in a few years either. That party is pretty much over with Shield or the next great 10in with a T4 in it (my buying says its been over for years). It will already work with my x360 controllers and either shield or a tablet will get gaming to my TV without a console. Consoles are dead to me and I wouldn't buy a Sony product anyway (right up there with EA for me). MS killed any shot of a purchase from me with always on DRM and shooting used games in the head. I think Devs will run from the next consoles (as they are now from Wiiu/Vita sales) as phones/tablets and the multitude of other competitors eat their lunch before they even launch. You'll see EA/EPIC/BLIZZ games but not much else if ever. Their real competition will be out before they are or at the same time which will kills sales further than wiiu/Vita are hurting now, and then it becomes the chicken/egg story where if you have nobody for me to sell to, I don't create games exacerbating your problem like the Vita has now. Not even 5mil, why would you dev for that?? At MAX even if you sell to every owner you can't get more than 5mil sales.
On the other hand, a Billion units will sell this year that can pretty much do xbox360 level stuff (if not this year then next year). It's easy to see where devs will go and why. Even at $10 a AAA title on tablets/phones sold to a mere 5% of owners can get 500mil. Even a flop can do well in those numbers. It only cost ~7-8mil for the witcher 1 & 2 (each). Put that effort into a Billion unit market and watch the profits fly in. As soon as people realize they have a console in their hand that already works with their old controllers this will really kickoff. There are still a lot of people that don't even realize they can do HDMI out to their TV and play a game on the couch with their xbox360 controller. That will end by this xmas as mobile gaming etc kicks into high gear and people begin to realize they can do much more than angry birds with a tablet or phone
That's discounting what ouya, steambox, shield etc will already do to sales of the next gen for the next 7yrs while they're stuck in stone.