Question CS:GO high fps on good system doesn't feel smooth


Feb 2, 2018

Recently I noticed that when I play CS:GO (in Valve servers) my game feels smooth at the start with 300-400 fps but then after maybe 5-10 minutes it feels like I have 100 fps and input lag on my mouse. I will also notice that the game will start to lag in a weird way. For example I will switch weapons and notice the animation will play twice. Besides that I don't notice any lag, have low ping and no packet loss. I have:
  • i7 8700k
  • GTX 1080
  • 16 gb ram
  • 144 hz monitor

I looked at my cpu and gpu temps and performance spikes but both look stable. I also looked at frametime etc but doesn't show anything weird.

Any tips, ideas and solutions are greatly appreciated as I don't know what else to do.


Thanks for the response. I tried this but my CPU temp reaches a max of 87c max and averages maybe 65-70 so I don't think thats it. I read online my CPU doesn't throttle until 100c
Correct, if HWmonitor does not show a max cpu temperature near 100c, then cpu throttling is not likely your issue.

Similarly, a GPU will target 80c. and perform as well as it can at that temperature.

What is the make/model of your case?
Is your case airflow restricted in any way.

What is the make/model of your PSU?
An old or cheap psu may be overheating and not delivering full power to the graphics card,

Check to see if there are any game patches.

Have you overclocked your 8700K?
My GPU can hit higher temps (88C) but with CSGO my max was 70C and I still had the problems.

My case is not the best. It's a 1x Sharkoon VG5-W - Red with standard cooling. It's on the floor next to my desk so air flow should not be the worst.

My PSU is a 500W Coolermaster MPW-5002-ACABW. Is there a way to tell if my components aren't getting enough juice?

I didn't overclock my CPU as it has a built in auto overclock. I did overclock my GPU though. Core clock +200 and memory clock +500. Seems pretty stable.
A thing I maybe forgot to mention is that I overclocked my GPU pretty hard. I checked with a website to see how much power my pc would need. I'm not 100% I filled it in correctly but it seems my pc uses more than 600W when I OC my GPU. Could that be what's causing this?
If you are playing online, not all gaming ‘servers’ out there can necessarily accommodate your high FPS, so try capping it at 60 - 90 FPS to see if play smoothes out. Check your performance in single player and/ or LAN games before assuming the problem is yours...
If you are playing online, not all gaming ‘servers’ out there can necessarily accommodate your high FPS, so try capping it at 60 - 90 FPS to see if play smoothes out. Check your performance in single player and/ or LAN games before assuming the problem is yours...
I have a 144hz screen so I'm trying to hit at least that. I did notice a difference between 64 and 128 tick servers. So far the problem only seems to occur on 64 tick servers.
After a few months of trying different things and considering buying a new pc, I realized my roommate streaming on twitch was the problem. I couldn't see lag in my net_graph but apparently, it still caused some problems for me that felt like low fps/input delay. Really specific but maybe it helps some people out there.