CS:GO low fps good system


Jul 17, 2015
I have a decent system and up until a few days ago I was able to get a solid 120fps locked and 220 unlocked. I can now only get 60-80 on both max and low no change.My temps are normal. I updated my drivers. What should I do?

EVGA GTX 760 2gb
AMD FX-6300 3.5 ghz
8gb 1333hz ram
120 gb SamsDisk SSD
500 gb Seagate Barracuda
WIndows 7
500 Watt EVGA 80+ bronze
Corsair Carbide SPEC-02
Well, like you said, you have a decent system that CS:GO isn't going to stress. The key was your statement, "...a few days ago".

So the question is, what happened "a few days ago"?

-- Did you update your drivers before or after the issue started? If you updated before, & especially if the issue happened right after the driver update, then roll back to the previous drivers to see if that fixes it.
-- Were any updates or patches installed right before the issue cropped up? If so, see if you can unapply them.
-- Did you install any new programs, apps, or browser add-ons/extensions right before the problem showed up? Just in case, try removing them.
-- Have you double-checked your CPU & GPU utilizations, or even your disk...
Well, like you said, you have a decent system that CS:GO isn't going to stress. The key was your statement, "...a few days ago".

So the question is, what happened "a few days ago"?

-- Did you update your drivers before or after the issue started? If you updated before, & especially if the issue happened right after the driver update, then roll back to the previous drivers to see if that fixes it.
-- Were any updates or patches installed right before the issue cropped up? If so, see if you can unapply them.
-- Did you install any new programs, apps, or browser add-ons/extensions right before the problem showed up? Just in case, try removing them.
-- Have you double-checked your CPU & GPU utilizations, or even your disk utilizations? If your disk is chugging a whole lot, or your CPU/GPU are suddenly hitting high usage rates, especially when your temps are fine, could indicate that some other program is taking resources that the game could be using.