Question CS:GO Rubberbanding

Aug 19, 2019
Trolling those who may potentially help you BEFORE they offer advice is poor form.
Hello, I have a problem in CS:GO, it's been a problem ever since I bought my new laptop and I just don't know what is causing it, I basically walk around and get warped. It happens a lot when I strafe left right left right or when I jump around it warps me back. I got rid of it for a month or 2 and it came back just recently. My CPU is i5-8300H 4.0 GHz, GPU GTX 1050 and I have 12 GBs of RAM. I would appreciate any help and not being an <<edited>> like ''laptops suck buy a pc''
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That could also be part of the problem (distance from router). There are ways to extend your wi-fi signal, if you have the budget for it. Is that an option for you?
Well, not really cause on my previous laptop (same distance) I didn't have any problems with my wi-fi except for it sometimes turning off and on but it always happens with wifis
I ran the test and my ping is 8ms Download mbps = 32 and Upload = 18 on the site you sent me.
on a different site I had 15ms ping, 25 mbps download and 18 mbps upload
Also, I noticed on net_graph 1 my VAR next to the FPS is going kind of high it's usually at about 0.03 ms and it goes up to about 2 ms and my FPS go down to 60 - 70 and sometimes even 40