Current Motherboards sucks, Please recommend a new one?


Feb 23, 2018
So these are my current specs:

CPU: Core i7-3770
RAM: 4x2 GB 1600 MHz
GPU: Gtx 1060 3GB G1 Gaming Edition
Storage: 500GB 7.2k rpm SATA
PSU: 500 Watt (Dont know the specific Model)
Case: Corsair Spec-01

and my current enemy (The Motherboard) Gigabyte H61M S2V, It doesnt have USB 3.0, SATA-III for an SSD or a PCIE 4.0...

So I want a budget motherboard with the Following Requirements:

1- Upto 16 GB DDR3 Support (Hopefully 2133 MHz).
2- Atleast one SATA-III for an SSD.
3- USB 3.0 Support.
4- Atleast one PCIE 4.0 For Gtx 1060 g1 Gaming Edition.
5- An LGA 1155 Socket for core i7 3770.

and here is what i Absolutely do not care about:

1- Integrated Bluetooth.
2- Integrated Wifi.
3- Overclocking(Especially this one)

and i have about $80-$100

Note: please dont suggest any Mini ATX mothernoards because I also have a Asus Xonar sound card and in a Mini Motherboard the Gtx 1060 will leave no space for my sound card.

Your Help will be extremly appreciated Thanks.
First, with that motherboard you must mean you have an i7-3770 CPU. The best motherboard you can move up to is a Z77 motherboard. Look at the specs of the Asus Z77 for example -- You get a couple SATA-III, USB 3, and PCIe 3.0.
To meet your price, I think you will have to buy a used board.

But That motherboard has a bit too much than what I need... I dont need up to 32 gb RAM or 2 SATA-III or crossfire...and does no LGA 1155 motherboard has PCIe 4.0?... and what even is RAID?

I am concentrating on the most BASIC needs of computers these days... USB 3.0, SSD, More/Better RAM, Etc.

No motherboard currently on sale has 4.0 that I can find. Definitely no motherboard compatible with 5 year old CPU and RAM have it.
PCIe v4.0 isn't a thing yet. Do you mean "a PCIe v3.0 slot with a minimum of x4 lanes?"

Any board you're able to find for your older CPU will very likely be used, since it's a few generations old now. If a more advanced board has features you don't need, simply ignore them. For example, if a board has SATA-III connectors, likely ALL of them will be SATA-III, not just one (as was common on some of the very first boards to get them).
Can't be x4 lanes for a GPU. It's PCIE3 x16 for their GTX1060.
They will also need a pcie 2 (or 3) x1 slot for the Xonar. It won't matter which version pcie for a sound card.

I don't know if you will find a new board this late in the game but wish you the best.
Okay guys... My bad... It's PCIe 3.0... not PCIe 4.0... I made a mistake I'm sorry, But what's the Cheapest motherboard SATA-III, USB 3.0 and Upto 16GB RAM (Hopefully 2133Mhz)?