Custom build, boot problems now


Aug 18, 2010
Well working computer for 3 years, went in to thermal paste cooler, major problems, not able to boot. Got it to boot but ir will die after 3 seconds then reboot and be alive for ever but with no display. Gpu light on but no gpu fan activity. Power cables for gpu checked. Is my motherboard dead? Monitor says no dvi detected

It is possible, but try your integrated gpu to see if the problem really comes from your dedicated gpu. It will take at max 3 min to do that.
No success yet, checked for thermal paste, tried dedicated , took out gpu, tried it all. I think my
MoBo is dead.... But all my parts have lights and power. Can it be damages still?
Another update, took all ram out and booted, no change or beep, all lights stay on, no boot, no display? Usually keyboard lights up as it is now but then on further boot process lights go off, it stays on as computer is spinning and no display, is that a clue?
Well gentlemen, I'm relieved to have fixed the problem by just replacing the motherboard. I'm not sure that is much of a solution, costed a buck. But everything is working great now, I'm too afraid to try and install the aftermarket cooler I bought, Hyper 212 evo, I feel like I just don't know what I'm doing and I'll break it again, even though I followed videos.