Custom installs


Jan 29, 2005
Just a rant,really. Just manually checked for updates within Roxio EMC7 (had one to v7.1.1.189). Experience with previous versions was, download the updates needed/wanted, have program CD ready for verification, install (again, only what you needed/wanted). This time, it was an interactitive web download (like Adobe). The problem was, after reading the CD, it ignored my custom install and loaded & updated everything! All the garbage I didn't want initially (CUSTOM INSTALL, Duh!). Now, have to figure out if/when/how to fix this. P**sed me off!

A person should know something about everything. Specialization is for insects! R.A.H.
Yeah, well, that's Roxio. They used to make good [-peep-], but the Rule of Roxio is that the gayness of a new version is always the square of the gayness of the previous version. So if the original roxio app rated about a 3 on the queerometer, then the 6th incarnation woudafkdk39588d@dk3$ 94@#$@)((a'kfjoiue.,j3987a98#@3jado978097843asf################################################################################################################################################################

Women--can't live with them, can't have heterosexual same-species intercourse without them.
Yeah, well, that's Roxio. They used to make good [-peep-], but the Rule of Roxio is that the gayness of a new version is always the square of the gayness of the previous version. So if the original roxio app rated about a 3 on the queerometer, then the 6th incarnation woudafkdk39588d@dk3$ 94@#$@)((a'kfjoiue.,j3987a98#@3jado978097843asf#################################################################################################################################################################

Women--can't live with them, can't have heterosexual same-species intercourse without them.
Yeah, well, that's Roxio. They used to make good [-peep-], but the Rule of Roxio is that the gayness of a new version is always the square of the gayness of the previous version. So if the original roxio app rated about a 3 on the queerometer, then the 6th incarnation woudafkdk39588d@dk3$ 94@#$@)((a'kfjoiue.,j3987a98#@3jado978097843asf##################################################################################################################################################################

Women--can't live with them, can't have heterosexual same-species intercourse without them.
Yeah, well, that's Roxio. They used to make good [-peep-], but the Rule of Roxio is that the gayness of a new version is always the square of the gayness of the previous version. So if the original roxio app rated about a 3 on the queerometer, then the 6th incarnation woudafkdk39588d@dk3$ 94@#$@)((a'kfjoiue.,j3987a98#@3jado978097843asf###################################################################################################################################################################

Women--can't live with them, can't have heterosexual same-species intercourse without them.
Jeez - sorry about that, I don't know if it was me or the forums.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by patchworkblue on 04/23/05 10:53 PM.</EM></FONT></P>