soo hi,this is a really detailed question and i want a detailed answer too (possibly from a professional geek)
So let me start of by saying i am Refreshing my windows 8.1 because most of my games wont work properly but they do work in safe mode soo i can tell its from some third party app .. thats why im doing a refresh soo it deletes my programs while preserving my important files .. while searching i found a video where a guy makes a custom refresh image what exactly IT IS ?? and does it backs up just C drive or all the DRIVES? .. and if i use custom refresh image what will happen ? will all my programs will stay or what ?? ok .. so here is my second question what exactly is a system image backup ?? and does it backs up only C DRIVE ? or all the drives?? also i saw in a video that all the data will be erased on the partition while using system image does it mean all drives i.e C; , D: , E:, etc ?? i want to refresh my pc without losing my precious photos and files .. should i make a custom refresh image ?? or system image for it or just do the normal refresh without any custom images and stuff ? I M REALLY CONFUSED 🙁(( i just want my datas to be save while deleting the programs which is causing my games not to run ..
So let me start of by saying i am Refreshing my windows 8.1 because most of my games wont work properly but they do work in safe mode soo i can tell its from some third party app .. thats why im doing a refresh soo it deletes my programs while preserving my important files .. while searching i found a video where a guy makes a custom refresh image what exactly IT IS ?? and does it backs up just C drive or all the DRIVES? .. and if i use custom refresh image what will happen ? will all my programs will stay or what ?? ok .. so here is my second question what exactly is a system image backup ?? and does it backs up only C DRIVE ? or all the drives?? also i saw in a video that all the data will be erased on the partition while using system image does it mean all drives i.e C; , D: , E:, etc ?? i want to refresh my pc without losing my precious photos and files .. should i make a custom refresh image ?? or system image for it or just do the normal refresh without any custom images and stuff ? I M REALLY CONFUSED 🙁(( i just want my datas to be save while deleting the programs which is causing my games not to run ..