Question dark rock 4 pro fan direction


Aug 19, 2015
EDIT: I figured it out on my own. I had installed the mounting frames the wrong way

I just installed the dark rock 4 pro but im not sure how to place the fans since my motherboards layout and mounting brackets are positioned a bit differently than the manual. I can either have them blow air out of the top of my case or down towards my graphics card. I cant seem to make the air blow out the back of my case through the back fan like the manual shows. It's just the way my motherboard is designed. I'd assume i want the air to blow out the top of my case. I dont have any additional fans except the back fan and front fan included with the case.

This is my MB and case:
Motherboard: Asus Z87-A
Case: Cooler Master HAF 912 plus

Do you know which of the fans are push/pull and the best way to go about it is?
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have them blow air out of the top of my case
You should do it in that way, because that will let your whole PC runs coolly.

And because you had two fans ( one in front and other one in the rear ), I recommend to let the dark rock cooler fan blows the air towards the rear fan, then the rear fan will blow the hot air from the cpu out off the case. You want to let the cool air intake from front, and hot air will exhaust in the rear. But you may try other way you want to see what happens.

Here is more info