I'm totally confused. I have:
i7 4770k
16gigs ram
Win7 (Drivers all up to date)
Yet, standalone runs like complete garbage. FPS jumps between 20 and 60 depending on area. FPS drops when I turn, my mouse is very unresponsive and it feels like there is input delay. I have smoothing off. I don't have issues running other games, and I seen it ran perfectly on hardware similar to mine. What am I doing wrong?
With all due respect, please spare me the, "its just not optimized" talk. I know its not optimized, yet mostly everyone I know runs it just fine on hardware worse or similar to mine. But no matter what settings I use, I get the same performance.
i7 4770k
16gigs ram
Win7 (Drivers all up to date)
Yet, standalone runs like complete garbage. FPS jumps between 20 and 60 depending on area. FPS drops when I turn, my mouse is very unresponsive and it feels like there is input delay. I have smoothing off. I don't have issues running other games, and I seen it ran perfectly on hardware similar to mine. What am I doing wrong?
With all due respect, please spare me the, "its just not optimized" talk. I know its not optimized, yet mostly everyone I know runs it just fine on hardware worse or similar to mine. But no matter what settings I use, I get the same performance.