DayZ Standalone poor performance on high end system.


Jun 7, 2013
I'm totally confused. I have:

i7 4770k
16gigs ram
Win7 (Drivers all up to date)

Yet, standalone runs like complete garbage. FPS jumps between 20 and 60 depending on area. FPS drops when I turn, my mouse is very unresponsive and it feels like there is input delay. I have smoothing off. I don't have issues running other games, and I seen it ran perfectly on hardware similar to mine. What am I doing wrong?

With all due respect, please spare me the, "its just not optimized" talk. I know its not optimized, yet mostly everyone I know runs it just fine on hardware worse or similar to mine. But no matter what settings I use, I get the same performance.
I don't think you are doing anything wrong other than expecting a game that just released in an alpha stage to run well. Yes it will run fine on some systems but there is likely to be some combination in your set up that hasn't been optimized yet. It is the nature of the beast when you buy into early release alpha's like this.

I would continue to monitor the forums on steam etc. for possible tweaks etc. to improve performance as it develops, but there appears to be many others with similar issues and those are all to be expected in this type of release.

I don't think you are doing anything wrong other than expecting a game that just released in an alpha stage to run well. Yes it will run fine on some systems but there is likely to be some combination in your set up that hasn't been optimized yet. It is the nature of the beast when you buy into early release alpha's like this.

I would continue to monitor the forums on steam etc. for possible tweaks etc. to improve performance as it develops, but there appears to be many others with similar issues and those are all to be expected in this type of release.


i have an i7 3770 3.4GHz, 8GB DDR3, HD7750 w/1GB DDR5 and i also experience low FPS with settings mostly on low or normal and much of the rendering extras disabled. i know my GPU is on the low end and probably a bit of a bottleneck, but this machine screams through most other games including ARMA2.

i really hope is just lack of optimization this early in the game.
When people had these issues with the Arma 3 "alpha" back in March, people would say the same thing: "It's an Alpha, it will get better!". Well, it hasn't gotten better. Large online scenarios are still unplayable at 20 fps just standing doing nothing, no matter what graphical setting is selected. Get your money back and stop feeding these terrible developers cash to continue making this garbage. My specs also exceed the recommended and yet the performance is still terrible. Here's another opinion as well: (completely valid since DayZ standalone is running off the same engine now.

I blew $35 on Arma 3 and can't play it, no way am I blowing another $30 on DayZ. I hope I can eat my words later and enjoy a great game, but based on the history of the ArmA series, I'm pretty sure I won't.
This is how you fix that problem ok Ready...

FPS lag fix:
Step 1: Go into your "My Documents" folder.
Step 2: Open "ArmA 2" folder.
Step 3: Look for the following lines in ArmA2.cfg, ArmA2OA.cfg, and any other ArmA versions you have.
Step 4: Change them to:
Profit. This should dramatically help your FPS lag. Now for the mouse lag.

Mouse lag fix:
Step 1: Open ArmA 2.
Step 2: Open your control settings for whatever profile you use.
Step 3: Drag mouse smoothing to zero.

(you know how long it took me to realize that this option was their, and I had the game for a long time! I thought it was just part of the game and had to deal with it. What a difference! Much more enjoyable!!!)

Oh, and one more thing. This will further help FPS and especially help if you're hosting a game which is CPU intensive. Got more than one CPU on your computer? Probably. Most computers do today.

CPU resource increase:
Step 1: Go into the Steam library (or the shortcut you use to launch ArmA 2 if you're not using steam).
Step 2: Right click on shortcut, Open properties, then launch options (or just properties if it's a shortcut).
Step 3: Add the following line to the launch options (or shortcut path):
-CpuCount=# (with # corresponding to the number of CPUs you have or want to use for ArmA. I have a six cores, so I put 6.)

Enjoy have fun 😉
if u dont have the arma version u have to go into my docs. Dayz config. open and do the settings in there.
i had a mouse delay and i get around 90 fps after doing all this

DayZ is built on the Arma3 engine (critesbryan's post is for not the DayZ mod, which is based on Arma2). It will never run smoothly. Accept that fact and enjoy your life. Arma is a terribly inefficient engine, and I don't think it quite understands how to use multiple cores/threads properly (it's more CPU-intensive than GPU).