DDR memory series question


Mar 25, 2009
So I'm trying to build a computer now that won't completely kill my already small budget and have come to a halt when trying to figure out the RAM, Mobo, and Hard Drive.

My problem is thus. Having chosen each part individually based on recommendations from a professional builder, I've chose the ATI Radeon HD 4850 video card. Now because this is DDR3, does that mean the mobo and the RAM can also only be DDR3? Or can I buy something that will be able to support the Card while still allowing me to use the DDR2 RAM? Now I'm going to end up putting in 4GB of RAM so I also need to consider a board that can handle all that as well...

Currently I've managed to choose the CPU (AMD Phenom), the case (Sunbeam Xoxide), and the hard drive (WD Caviar).

All that's left is the Power supply, RAM, and Mobo. I just need an answer to the DDR2-3 problem before I can continue.
The gfx card memory doesnt have to match the system RAM .

You can use a DDR2 mobo with that gfx card . [ the gfx memory IS NOT the same as DDR3 any way ...its actually GDDR3 ]

The processor you are buying isnt good value . Phenom ll is available now and it performs better than the chip you have chosen . Newegg have combos of the x3 720 be and a motherbopard for as little as $210


It has one less core but is a newer generation so more powerful and more efficient . The mb quality isnt the very best , but you do have a budget !

Add in some DDR 2 memory for about $45 and you have the basis for a powerful computer for not much $$$ at all
Ah would it be smarter to wait a bit and grab the Phenom II x4 instead? I mean currently money's tight but there's always the possibility an interview will pay off. Of course then I'd still need a mobo but I think I can find something. I was just worried the gfx card would screw things up, but I didn't know that GDDR3 is different from DDR (I'll admit I've just started learning about all this yesterday so I'm newb).

There are lots of good tutorials online about how to assemble a pc . Google will find them for you .
The strength of the PC is that its modular . Things like a gfx card plugs in to a standard size slot on all motherboards etc so thing have to be designed to work together

Whether you save for a Pll quadcore or buy a X3 now can depend on how soon you want a computer and what you use it for . For video encoding then the quad will probably be better [ depending on the program ], but for games the X3 is only 1 or 2 % slower than the quad and its not worth spending the extra money or waiting .

Do you have a budget in mind?
Do you need Vista/ a monitor/ keyboard and mouse?
Well yeah I'll be needing an OS, but I can get XP for free at a moments notice. I've already got a Lykosa board and a decent I-INC monitor that's worked on other computers just fine. Basically my budget'll probably end up bottoming out at 800 now... twice what I had originally wanted but I've got that much taken care of. I don't have any problems picking up the P2 Quad, just need to figure out what PSU and mobo will work out that only costs another 250-300 dollars.

As you can plainly tell, I've got a comp now, but it's extremely old... probably ran '98 as its original OS. Thing is still packing a CD-rom and all original hardware except for a few RAM upgrades I did. It gets me on the net and lets me play solitaire. I can wait another month or so if it comes down to it, and I'll be able to buy what I need and assemble in that time.