Question "DDR5 at 4.4GHz is slower than DDR4 at 3.6GHz" - is this true?

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Jun 24, 2009
So I ordered "open box" 4800Mhz RAM from Beach Audio but it won't be here until Tuesday and I'm supposed to build my new desktop on Sunday so I quickly got Best Buy to a delivery of the same type by tomorrow, or, almost the same, it's 5600Mhz, and yes I do want 64GB ultimately so I guess I'll keep it? But then I know you're not supposed to mix memory speeds, right, and then ran across this statement

"DDR5 at 4.4GHz is slower than DDR4 at 3.6GHz."

in which case, I'd conclude it's a waste for me to have gotten the DDR5 if I'm only getting 4800 and that I need to get 5600?

but even if that's the case, I don't understand why, and I don't understand how this could be perceptible (which is why I went to with the 4800 in the first place)
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