Question Dead GPU?


Dec 29, 2018
Hello, So 2 nights ago I was playing call of duty on my pc and it just shut off, and the RGB on my motherboard and GPU would flash as if its about to boot and couldn't, it seemed like it wasn't getting insufficient power so I believed it to be my power supply had died.

I try an old cooler master power supply from like 10 years ago on my computer and the computer starts but the power supply did not have the 8 pin + 6 pin for the GPU so I didnt bother installing it into the motherboard.

I ordered a new power supply and it arrived today, I reseated the new power cables checked it all twice and the computer is about to boot and the power supply clicks and turns off.

So I reseated all the cables again and it still clicked and shut off, I then decided to rebuild the PC in minimal spec, CPU, one stick of RAM and my boot drive, and the PC booted so I knew it wasn't a faulty new PSU, then it dawned on me that I didnt try the GPU with the old cooler master powersupply because I couldn't, I then tried the power supply I believed to be broken on the minimal spec build and the computer turned on.

I tried the GPU with both the new and believed to be broken power supplies and the new power supply clicked and the old one did the flashy fail to boot thing,

The graphics card is an RTX 2070 ASUS ROG Strix, it was purchased march 2019, is my GPU dead? Im waiting on a friend to bring me his PC to try to see if the graphics card will not work in his either.

If anyone can offer any insight into this situation it would be greatly appreciated