Dead motherboard - need a new one

Enache Mircea

Feb 15, 2014
After 10 years of using the same motherboard + pcu + same HDD almost daily for a minimum of 5 hours per day.. I think the motherboard finally died... a day earlier I put on new thermal paste... it all worked fine after that... the next day I started playing some Witcher 3... and after 15 minutes it completely froze...

since then I couldn't get the mobo to boot anymore... monitor display no signal... tried all tests : removing all componenents/removing bios batery/clear CMOS with jumper - nothing works. The motherboard doesn't beep either when all rams are removed... the fans are running... it is very quite... but no booting/no beeps... monitor says no signal.

I hope that new thermal paste I applied the day before wasn't the source of this problem.
Assuming the motherboard is completely dead... and hoping it didn't affect my newer gpu or the hard... I wil need a new one with a new cpu and new rams... where is a good place to get them Second hand with some kind of waranty or money back policy ? (Take into account that I also live in Romania in Europe... if that matters)
Could you provide more details about the MotherBoard and the CPU? Try to see if some component in the MotherBoard heats a lot after 2-3 min of being turned on.
You can find cheap second hand MotherBoards looking on eBay or similar websites.