Dead pixel or Stuck pixel?


Aug 14, 2015
I have a pixel on my screen that shows as blue on a white screen, green on a green screen, and black on a red screen. Is it stuck or dead?
ya, not sure exactly what's wrong, on a white it should be a yellow pixel (blue + green = yellow). Either way, it's a defective pixel. You can try RMAing it...
Out of curiosity, what color is it on a blue or black screen? I don't think its' dead or stuck. I think it's just a defective pixel..

White is all colors, so it implies that the green and red channels don't work, but you get green on a green screen? Are you sure it green and not black? black on red makes sense as it means the red channel is broken (consistent with no red on white screen).

On black it's black, on blue it's blue. It's definitely blue on white, green on green.