If you don't want to save money, don't click on the article. Go cry somewhere else.
lol ouch darth
😛 well I do want to save money, so I definitely won't be clicking on these articles in the future trust me
😉 And I will run off, but not to cry, but to score on way slicker deals! *runs off to slick deals*
Difference of opinions though I suppose, my post in yesterdays article got quite a bit of support. Today it seems the Tom's hardware fanboys are out
fyi I've been visiting toms for a decent amount of time now and this is the first I've seen these articles so can you really blame me for clicking on them my first time? (thanks btw for telling me they've been around for a while honis, never knew that)
Trust me though, I won't be checking them out in the future lol but now all they are going to do is clutter up my news feed with info that isn't relevant to this site, at least not from my perspective.
I do feel bad for you though if you think this is the best place to look for deals
I see you said you tried slick deals, but there is no sifting through crappy deals if you know how to use the site. Forum search, deal alerts (with multiple contact methods), tagged categories, thumbs up, etc. I would give it another shot if I were you.
Plenty of ways for you to find what your looking for and avoid sifting through the bad deals, ESPECIALLY if your dying for that specific item, you can be guaranteed it will find its way onto that site and you'll be notified as soon as the deal is live.
Sure a great deal may find its way here once in a while, and there is nothing wrong with that (pangedit and honis for example). But when it does it lacks the posts with critical info. BCB keywords, coupon codes, etc. that really sweeten the deal letting you save even more money. Isn't that the point of a deal after all?
But where are the $200 gtx 470's? The $20 Corsair 450W PSU's? etc. etc. etc. I could list AMAZING deals like that all day that this article you seem to care so much about hasn't got a clue of and even if it did probably wouldn't post since its SPONSORED (they have nothing to gain from telling you about a deal they won't profit on). But why waste my time when there is a site dedicated to do just that
Anyways, just stating my opinion is all, no need to tell someone off on the interwebs lol *in hippie way* Love and peace man, lets try to play nice