Decent Review of ATI's 5870, Full benchmarks and comparisons

People just dont pay attention to the Stickys, it dosent help that they are the same colour ,if in bold font. Say there are a couple of stickys at the top of the forum and another gets added who notices ? You just skip them as they are always there. We NEED differant colours, the question has been asked before but apparantly Toms are more interested in stupid Badges that most of the rest of us couldnt give a rats A*** about.

I'm thinking a green colour would be good, red doesn't seem to stand out as much on the toms pages because lets be honest, there a bit red :)

I think red is too pro-ATi, trying to get your favourite in there eh, you FanATic BassTurd !!
How about be neutral like my SIG a little red and a little green, better yet, BLUE like the best GPU maker ever Matrox !! 😗

Or Better yet, just make it Black and then Flash Yellow, like a flashy sign, can't miss that.... yea Bruins colours... I means yes, nice Flashy Black and yellow, Easy to see just like this Smiley !! :sol:
WAIT!. I have it. Im guessing most of the users of this forum are men. So how about

Brooke Burke for the guys, and David hasslehoff for the women? then they will be strolling through the forums and never miss a sticky again!