Deciding Between Different Types of RAM


Dec 11, 2016
I apologize, but I am extremely new at this. I purchased a gaming computer from CyberPower PC 6 years ago and it has been time to update, to say the least. I have a couple of questions regarding RAM. First I will list my computer components, so you know what I am working with:

-Z170 Pro Gaming Asus Motherboard

-Gtx 1060 - 6GB

-i5 6600k

I also purchased Ballistix Sport LT 8GB (2 x 4GB) 288-Pin DDR4. I planned on purchasing 2 more 4GB sticks, but now see that I am better off returning the RAM I purchased and exchanging it for 2 x 8GB, so that I can upgrade in the future. I'm stuck between 2 different types or RAM, HyperX Savage and Ballistix Sport LT.

The HyperX Savage is faster in both speed and Cas Latency, so this makes it the better choice? I read somewhere that too great a differential between RAM speed and CPU frequency is risky. Is this true? If so, am I okay using The HyperX at 3000 when my CPU DDR4 frequency is 2133 MHz? I also want to make sure that the HyperX is compatible with my system.

I want to thank you for the help in advance as I am trying to learn more about this stuff. Any and all knowledge is greatly appreciated!

It is not risky to have difference in CPU Mhz and RAM Mhz, if you went for overcloackable motherboard and CPU, you should also get overcloacked RAM that runs at 3000 or 3200 Mhz.

You should get this one.,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
It is not risky to have difference in CPU Mhz and RAM Mhz, if you went for overcloackable motherboard and CPU, you should also get overcloacked RAM that runs at 3000 or 3200 Mhz.

You should get this one.,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=