Question dedicated graphic card vs integrated (wattage) question

Sep 15, 2023
Hello, Im not sure where to put this question since it kind of CPU but also GPU question too.

Thing is... I have been wondering if you get a CPU which does NOT have integrated graphic card (for intel its marked as "F" letter if im not mistaken) does the dedicated GPU have higher wattage compsumtion, if im not gaming and just using the youtube/web etc... or does that still count as 'idle' mode compsumption? Cuz If I would rather get CPU with integrated graphic card alongside with dedicated, the dedicated one isnt just sitting there and still does some work no? Sorry if my english is not perfect, if something is not properly understood let me know I will try to re explain.

TLDR... if I dont have CPU integrated graphics card and using only dedicated one, while being on the web/youtube etc.. does dedicated GPU have in such case same power compsumption as if it would have if my core would also use integrated card?

Thanks a lot in advance for your insight :)
if you get a CPU which does NOT have integrated graphic card (for intel its marked as "F" letter if im not mistaken) does the dedicated GPU have higher wattage consumption
before getting into power consumption;
what would you need a dedicated card for is the big question.

if you don't need a dedicated card for more intensive gaming, heavy video rendering, etc
then why would you get one?

if you're only using the system for browsing and regular applications then the integrated graphics would be all that is necessary.
Sep 15, 2023
before getting into power consumption;
what would you need a dedicated card for is the big question.

if you don't need a dedicated card for more intensive gaming, heavy video rendering, etc
then why would you get one?

if you're only using the system for browsing and regular applications then the integrated graphics would be all that is necessary.
Hey, thanks for your help.

To answer your question. Thing is most of the time I just do some work/youtube/web etc with the PC (so in average I got like 2h per day of gaming) The reason I ask because I wanna figure if its the dedicated card only, isnt gonna run for crazy power compsumption if its not supported by cpu graphics, while im NOT gaming. I assume when I would be gaming its gonna run at max, which is ok, but what about if im not gaming, what its power compsumption then, say during 4K videos on youtube or so..? Does this tasks still count as 'idle' power compsumption?