Dedicated PhysX GPU


May 29, 2015
So I recently bought a 970, and I remembered something about being able to use another Nvidia GPU to set as a dedicated GPU for PhysX. So I plugged my old GPU in (which is a 670).
I have looked through the settings and found that indeed I can dedicated my 670 for PhysX.
So I have two questions...

1. Is a 670 GPU that is dedicated to PhysX good enough for newer games compared to just using the 970 for doing it.
(The Witcher 3, Far Cry 4, etc..)

2. Which PhysX settings should I put in the Nvidia Control Panel?
(Auto-Select or 670, "Dedicate to PhysX" checkmarked or not)

Any recommendations/answers would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
As long as future Physx drivers support your graphics card then you've nothing to worry about. Considering that the 8600 GT is still supported, you'll be absolutely fine for a long, long time.

You should manually set the GTX 670 as the dedicated Physx card. You don't want an application to choose for you when you know better! :)
As long as future Physx drivers support your graphics card then you've nothing to worry about. Considering that the 8600 GT is still supported, you'll be absolutely fine for a long, long time.

You should manually set the GTX 670 as the dedicated Physx card. You don't want an application to choose for you when you know better! :)
Be sure that you're playing GPU accelerated PhysX games, otherwise it won't make a difference. The two games you listed do not feature GPU PhysX. You can verify that PhysX is working by enabling the PhysX visual indicator in the Nvidia control panel. Just right-click on the title bar.

Well says The Witcher 3 has PhysX.
When I go into the Far Cry 4 Video settings it says the fur is done with Nvidia PhysX or Gameworks or something like that I don't really remember. But thank you, I will be looking out for the PhysX indicator in my games to see if I see performance gains or not.

So did you try the Witcher 3 with the PhysX visual indicator enabled? It has PhysX, definitely, except only the CPU version, which the visual indicator will confirm. That's actually a big disappointment, since there were numerous reports before the game was released that it would have full GPU PhysX. I'm still hopeful that they will release a patch that will enable GPU PhysX, but the game is so resource intensive as it is, it would be hard to throw in GPU PhysX on top of that and maintain decent performance.
So did you try the Witcher 3 with the PhysX visual indicator enabled? It has PhysX, definitely, except only the CPU version, which the visual indicator will confirm. That's actually a big disappointment, since there were numerous reports before the game was released that it would have full GPU PhysX. I'm still hopeful that they will release a patch that will enable GPU PhysX, but the game is so resource intensive as it is, it would be hard to throw in GPU PhysX on top of that and maintain decent performance.

I have noticed a 2-5 FPS increase with Hairworks off, everything else maxed/ultra to about 63-66 FPS which is nothing significant... With Hairworks on, I don't notice a difference, the performance is just as bad with/without. Although on my OSD, my 670 displays only 2-8% usage so I guess that's why the FPS gain is so little. Pretty disappointing. But I have not played extensively yet, only a few minutes here and there but I doubt there will be much gain. I really do hope they do release some updates to improve on it.

*edit* I did see the "PhysX -> GPU" after I started up my save. At the beginning menu, before i continued my save it said "PhysX -> CPU".