Dedicated video ram


Oct 16, 2017
My computer only has its dedicated video ram set to 32MB which when I searched for things that could run it, ROBLOX couldnt even run it on the minimum which was hilarious. I would like to know how I could change that and if I can.

Processor: Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-3537U CPU @ 2.00GHz
RAM: 8.00 GB
Unfortunately VAIOs are nightmares. I'm not saying it can't be done definitively, but it really wouldn't surprise me if there's not the option present. Almost every other vendors BIOS allowed this, but that doesn't mean Sony did.

If the option isn't available in the BIOS, the only way to get "more" graphics memory isn't particularly viable.
It's set as a proportionate amount vs the "system memory".... so if you increase the system memory, the amount attributed to graphics would increase also...... but not a very viable option given the cost of DDR3.
In your BIOS, there may be an option to increase the 'dedicated' video RAM available to the iGPU.

Remember though, it's shared with your system memory - and is generalyl limited to a % of the total system RAM.
I'd expect you should be able to select 512MB for your GPU.

Ill check and get back to you. Thanks

I went into bios and found no option to change it.

I have a sony vaio. I would assume its there too but theres no option for it. Its the one where you have to turn the laptop off and then press the Assist button and then press bios.
Unfortunately VAIOs are nightmares. I'm not saying it can't be done definitively, but it really wouldn't surprise me if there's not the option present. Almost every other vendors BIOS allowed this, but that doesn't mean Sony did.

If the option isn't available in the BIOS, the only way to get "more" graphics memory isn't particularly viable.
It's set as a proportionate amount vs the "system memory".... so if you increase the system memory, the amount attributed to graphics would increase also...... but not a very viable option given the cost of DDR3.