Y Yash2000 Reputable Jun 13, 2015 340 0 4,780 Jul 16, 2015 #1 I want to oc my i5 4690k to 4.4ghz. So which cooler will good for it? Deepcool maelstorm 120t or cooler master hyper 212x
I want to oc my i5 4690k to 4.4ghz. So which cooler will good for it? Deepcool maelstorm 120t or cooler master hyper 212x
Solution Manish Tewari Jul 16, 2015 Yash2000 : If it takes more than 1.200v to overclock the i5. Will that be okay for the hyper 212x? Hi Yash, Hyper is there to cool the CPU, it does'nt recognize what you do to your cpu, and yes Hyper works well with your set-up
Yash2000 : If it takes more than 1.200v to overclock the i5. Will that be okay for the hyper 212x? Hi Yash, Hyper is there to cool the CPU, it does'nt recognize what you do to your cpu, and yes Hyper works well with your set-up
rolli59 Titan Oct 27, 2007 47,801 283 130,890 Jul 16, 2015 #2 I am all for air cooling so I would go with the 212x instead of a mediocre liquid cooler. Upvote 0 Downvote
Y Yash2000 Reputable Jun 13, 2015 340 0 4,780 Jul 16, 2015 #3 Will hyper 212x be enough for OCing my i5 4690k to 4.4ghz? Upvote 0 Downvote
rolli59 Titan Oct 27, 2007 47,801 283 130,890 Jul 16, 2015 #4 Both will give similar results and possible reach that. Upvote 0 Downvote
Y Yash2000 Reputable Jun 13, 2015 340 0 4,780 Jul 16, 2015 #5 If it takes more than 1.200v to overclock the i5. Will that be okay for the hyper 212x? Upvote 0 Downvote
Manish Tewari Reputable Jul 10, 2014 407 0 4,960 Jul 16, 2015 Solution #6 Yash2000 : If it takes more than 1.200v to overclock the i5. Will that be okay for the hyper 212x? Hi Yash, Hyper is there to cool the CPU, it does'nt recognize what you do to your cpu, and yes Hyper works well with your set-up Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Yash2000 : If it takes more than 1.200v to overclock the i5. Will that be okay for the hyper 212x? Hi Yash, Hyper is there to cool the CPU, it does'nt recognize what you do to your cpu, and yes Hyper works well with your set-up
Y Yash2000 Reputable Jun 13, 2015 340 0 4,780 Jul 16, 2015 #7 Im forwarding to buy the hyper 212x Upvote 0 Downvote
G ghemanth Honorable Jul 14, 2015 52 0 10,630 Dec 27, 2015 #8 Manish Tewari : Yash2000 : If it takes more than 1.200v to overclock the i5. Will that be okay for the hyper 212x? Hi Yash, Hyper is there to cool the CPU, it does'nt recognize what you do to your cpu, and yes Hyper works well with your set-up as for i7 6700k i consider deepcool maelstrom 120t is slightly better than 212x. yes ? Upvote 0 Downvote
Manish Tewari : Yash2000 : If it takes more than 1.200v to overclock the i5. Will that be okay for the hyper 212x? Hi Yash, Hyper is there to cool the CPU, it does'nt recognize what you do to your cpu, and yes Hyper works well with your set-up as for i7 6700k i consider deepcool maelstrom 120t is slightly better than 212x. yes ?