Defeat low ink warning


Feb 14, 2010
Hello,or the past 2 years I have been refilling the cartridges on my canon MX310 pixma without any problem.Recently I turned in the cartridges at office depot for a 1.00 credit and purchased new ones while waiting for a new ink supply....thinking that they were getting kinda old and needing to get a print project out. when the ink supply finally came in,I refilled those color and black cartridges, it printed 2 pages great, then the color ink level out warning came on, it said click on the ok button to continue printing but nothing happens cannot print anything tried re=booting etc..i suspect canon did something to the new cartridges, but to date haven't found an answer, I really resent having to buy those Grossly overpriced New cartridges, and even the so called refilled ones.... last year I went to a shop that advertises refilling your cartridges,but they told me my cartriges were dried out and could not be refilled,(The cartridges had only stopped printing 2 days before this) and tried to sell me new ones.
I'm not Cheap but broke and resentful that after paying 200 for the printer, I should pay canon an annuity based on my usage...which would to date be more than 3 or 4 times the price of the printer if I bought their inks..
I'm looking for a like minded user group because there has to be a simple way to defeat this


Clearly the printer companies see inkjets as their pension plan. They produce far too many types of cartridges, when probably about 10 different styles could work across all models and brands. Catridges are unreliable and dry out if you don't use them. The makers overcharge for them and some are now using technology to police your use to make sure you don't "cheat" them by using cheaper substitutes or refills.

I'd just walk away from the whole issue -- get photos printed at a photo store and switch to a laser for everything less than photo quality.