Deficit Reduction in progress...


I want to see a 30-40% cut on all expenditures and a steady tax income at 3 Terr USD.

We will go onto another recession...however, we can go in slowly. That is my political strategy. Recession in eminent, let us go in on a soft landing.

In the mean time...I shall listen to Rick Astley for the next few moments.


A progressive disease in which an individual becomes obsessed with Rick Astley.

Symptoms include:

-Rick Rolling
-Wanting to dance
-The wanting to be with somebody
-Crying for help
-Change in Hair color
-Lack of aging
-Deepening of voice.

If you, or someone has these your local Astleitis specialist for further treatment.


And now...back to the deficit.
Look at the*deficit*.

The number next to the 3 trillion red number...the one on the right? the one that says 1.270 trillion? Yeah, it is going down...yet spending goes up, taxes is going up. Bernanke said...'No more meth for your guys!" Yup...looks bright and sunny for the US in the next few moments in history!
Russian K-Waves. Unfortunately, the fall of the US and all major players in this world is coming about. Previously, we saw one empire or country fall. This time, we're going to see the established world fall into disarray until new (one or multiple) new players enter the field.