Delidding the I7 7700K


Jun 17, 2011
So My Buddy Delidded his 7700k to see what temp differences he could get, He's using corsair h110 all in one.


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So Results were great, So before all this at 4.8 ghz. Used to get 50c Idle, 70-80c Full load
Now with Delidding, 30c Idle 50c full load. 20 degrees drop

At 5 ghz, idle was around 65c, 90-100 c full load
After delidding 30c idle and 65c under full load playing BF1 Oculis Rift, and many other Cpu intense games.
All this was done at home took us 30 mins, Very simple with the correct parts. Took several hours to dry. However this was all worth it in the end

on the pictures, the superglue, is to reattach the shield to the cpu?

is it a good idea? superglue when applied sometimes will spread in weird ways and when dried can leave lots of rests and also glue parts you didn't wanted to glue

i heard that some people don't glue it back again, just put it and then put the heatsink on top of it
I delidded my 4670k because the spread on my temperatures between cores was too high, I would be getting 65C on core 1 and 80C on core 4. Now after delidding I get ~62C on all cores at 4.5GHz. Thankfully, delidding has gotten easier since devil's canyon as skylake and kaby lake don't have any capacitors on the top of the PCB anymore. For anyone reading this thread and wanting to do it, there are 2 ways to reattach the heatsink. 1 is just not gluing it together at all (which is fine if you use thermal paste)and letting the clamp on the socket spread the thermal paste, and 2 is using high-temp RTV silicone, which you have to do if you use liquid metal. I wouldn't recommend superglue as it dries too hard and won't take heat as well as the silicone does. If you don't have a good heatsink, there's really no point to doing this, but if you do you'll get a semi-noticeable to very noticeable reduction in temperatures. This ABSOLUTELY voids your warranty, so do it at your own risk.
Very true, but the glue we used was recommended. PLus his was the test subject hahahhaha. Maybe when i do mine i wont use Super glue hard to say. However it's working great so far. I wont be using super glue on mine i guess. RTV does make more sense, I used high temp Rtv on my jeep all the time.

The major problem is that the superglue holds too hard, if you ever try to remove it again then you risk tearing off parts of the top layer of the pcb. I used a razor to delid mine and you can't even do that with superglue because you can't really cut through it. Glad it worked though, shouldn't be any issues with his.