Question Ryzen 5900X pulled from a Dell PC doesn't work on other motherboards ?

Jul 20, 2024
Some years ago I got me a Dell Aurora R10 PC with a Ryzen 5900X and an RTX 3080 (don't ask).

Two months ago I thought it was a good idea to move the main hardware, CPU/RAM/GPU/SSD, in a new case with new motherboard, because the noise started to irritate me.

So, I bought a new case and AIO, and MSI B550 Tomahawk motherboard. Put it all together, and....

Red light on motherboard, no boot, no nothing....

Checked connections, updated the bios (flashback), tried with one ram stick, with and without GPU etc, nothing.

I guessed it was the "Dell" RAM, so I bought RAM on compatibility list of the MSI motherboard. No luck.

Put the Dell back together again, and it works fine, even with the new RAM I bought.

Send the MSI motherboard back to the seller (reputable shop in NL) "Its broken".

Seller send me pictures of the working motherboard on 5600g, and send the motherboard back...

I tried again, again red light. They offered to test with my components, but i didnt feel like it sending to and from, needed to do some work too.

I thought I just buy another motherboard when I have the money, because that must be it.

Ordered an Asus Pro-Art B550, updated the bios (flashback), but also a warning light, reddish, and nothing....

(I need a thermal paste subscription)

Why o why is my 5900x not working on other motherboards?

(Someone suggested it may be vendor locked, but I never read something about that)
Some years ago I got me a Dell Aurora R10 with Ryzen 5900x and RTX 3080 (don't)

Two months ago I thought it was a good idea to move the main hardware, CPU/RAM/GPU/SSD, in a new case with new motherboard, because the noise started to irritate me.

So, I bought a new case and AIO, and MSI B550 Tomahawk motherboard. Put it all together, and....

Red light on motherboard, no boot, no nothing....

Checked connections, updated the bios (flashback), tried with one ram stick, with and without GPU etc, nothing.

I guessed it was the "Dell" RAM, so I bought RAM on compatibility list of the MSI motherboard. No luck.

Put the Dell back together again, and it works fine, even with the new RAM I bought.

Send the MSI motherboard back to the seller (reputable shop in NL) "Its broken".

Seller send me pictures of the working motherboard on 5600g, and send the motherboard back...

I tried again, again red light. They offered to test with my components, but i didnt feel like it sending to and from, needed to do some work too.

I thought I just buy another motherboard when I have the money, because that must be it.

Ordered an Asus Pro-Art B550, updated the bios (flashback), but also a warning light, reddish, and nothing....

(I need a thermal paste subscription)

Why o why is my 5900x not working on other motherboards?

(Someone suggested it may be vendor locked, but I never read something about that)
Is it possible that CPU got damaged somehow (bent pins or static)?
What do you mean by "(I need a thermal paste subscription) ? did you clean and replace paste ?
Jul 20, 2024
Is it possible that CPU got damaged somehow (bent pins or static)?
What do you mean by "(I need a thermal paste subscription) ? did you clean and replace paste ?

I put the 5900x back in the Dell, and it works fine. I need a "Thermal Paste Subscription" because I move the processor between mobo's a lot :D
I put the 5900x back in the Dell, and it works fine. I need a "Thermal Paste Subscription" because I move the processor between mobo's a lot :D
So it must be MB or BIOS didn't "take" properly. Updating thru Flashback is not always reliable. Must do it with no CPU or memory installed.
All 500 chipset MBs should be factory compatible with Ryzen 5000 although maybe with not all features enabled. Only 1st Razen gen is not supported. Maybe you should try with some older BIOS version. Whole deal is in AGESA code, not BIOS itself.
Jul 20, 2024
I tried on one MB (MSI B550 Tomahawk) to use 1, original bios, 2; latest bios and 3; older bios
On the other MB (Asus Pro Art b550) I tried 1; original bios, 2; latest bios.

The vendor of the MSI mb showed me a pic of the MB with 5600g, working, with the bios version I flashbacked. Flashback seems to work fine, with or without components installed.