Dell Motherobard XPS 8000


Mar 27, 2014
I want to upgrade my CPU, and I would like to know if the i7 920 is compatible before I buy it. It says on the dell page it supports i7, but I want to make sure it works with this one in particular. And if it doesn't, can someone recommend another one?
Hi there,
Different i7's use different sockets (like plugs in different countries) and you need LGA1156 and the i7 you stated needs LGA1366, so search for i7's with the socket LGA1156 and that should work.
Hope this helps!
Hi there,
Different i7's use different sockets (like plugs in different countries) and you need LGA1156 and the i7 you stated needs LGA1366, so search for i7's with the socket LGA1156 and that should work.
Hope this helps!
I found a 870, that has the same socket type. Now, is this processor good for gaming, paired with a good graphics card? Or should I scrap the motherboard and get anotherthat is compatible with more recent processors?

I found a 870, that has the same socket type. Now, is this processor good for gaming, paired with a good graphics card? Or should I scrap the motherboard and get another that is compatible with more recent processors?
(didn't mean to say it twice, but I thought was replying to you the first time)

I don't need the settings for games to be on Ultra, I'm good with medium or maybe high, without lag.