Hey, so for Christmas I got a refurbished Dell Optiplex 780 with a small form factor, nothing wrong with that, and a few weeks ago my brother offered me a new graphics card for it, of course I said yes, but there was one problem, the card was too big. So, I ordered a Deepcool Tesseract case off of newegg.com (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811853002) and it came in about 2-3 days ago now. But when waiting for a new POWER SUPPLY, I was looking at my motherboard on the Optiplex, and the motherboards components were BACKWARDS, Example: The spot in which the USB's and either-net plugs are, are on the right of the motherboard when on the CASE, the placement for the components were set to be put into on the RIGHT. What I am trying to ask is if I need to place a 50 on a new motherboard, or are there some ways around it? Thanks.