JPNpower :
Plowing through pages upon pages of machine created Excel worksheets makes high res a thing sent from heaven. All you gamers please kindly stfu. Thanks to your whining about unnecessariness, these high res laptops have been long overdue.
Word. I could pee my pants thinking about pulling up Illustrator or Premiere Pro on a laptop with that resolution. I'm on an aging MacBook Pro right now and I'm looking out for a replacement. This is the first windows machine I've heard of that I'd consider getting.
If Dell really offers UHDish resolution, an i7, 512GB of flash storage, and Quadro for <$2000, they can have my money now.
I feel like I'm always hallucinating numbers. Also I haven't seen anything defined in arcseconds since my astronomy classes in college.Seems I hallucinated a 3800.