Dell Thinks Windows 7 Pricing May Be a Problem

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I'm most likely gonna either keep my current install or if it's really enticing enough, I'll ditch my current install and go for Server 2008 R2. I get the licenses anyways from my college, so I'm good to go. The consumer editions of Windows 7 is no faster than my current Server 2008 install and slightly faster than Windows Vista and not that glorified saviour of the Windows world as Microsoft wants you to believe.

As for the pricing for Windows 7, I'd be amazed if Windows 7 still flew off the shelves at a higher price than Windows Vista because Windows Vista was more expensive than Windows XP and it staggered. Windows Vista is not a bad Windows variant (not incl. pre SP1).
Here is how you take care of M$ - Don't buy Windows 7. Going to the movies too expensive - Don't go. Do you think cable/satellite TV is too expensive - Call your provider and tell them to take their crap out of your house.

Until people do this the prices will continue to up and up. Whining and complaining won't help. Not buying it will. That's how we got Win7 in the 1st place. Too many people are refusing to buy Vista. They are still insisting on XP. Don't give in. Keep running XP until M$ gives you what you want.
"If there's one thing that may influence adoption, make things slower or cause customers to pause, it's that generally the ASPs (average selling price) of the operating systems are higher than they were for Vista and XP,"

What do they mean with this ? Windows 7 will be more expensive compared to Vista when it came out or comapred to Vista's price right now ? When Vista came out, it was at an outrageous price. I still remember Windows Vista Ultimate cost 600 Euros. That was enough to buy an entry level computer with Windows XP, complete with monitor! The other version were equally expensive.

If Windows 7 Home Premium OEM costs more than 100 Euros and Home Premium Retail more than 150 Euros, Microsoft will be shooting itself in the foot badly.
Microsofts pricing policies have always been screwed up. Ever notice how the Upgrade cost more than an OEM version let alone the full blown out of porportion Retail version (and who knows what manufatures actually pay). Basically what this says is, If you sell the OS with some hardware its the cheapest. If you already have purchased microsoft software, your pentalized so then you pay more. And I have no idea who who pays the ridiculus retail prices.

Then there is the problem with versions of software. No mater what they tell you, there is only one version of it, and all others are stripped down versions of it. With Windows 7, it is the Ultimate version, which is unfair to the consumer because it will be the least affordable and the one that was released as an RC.
What I dont really understand of microsoft is how they expect to lure away XP users with it if the price is something that makes any hesitation. If they dont lure XP users away, then Windows 7, no matter how good, is just as successful as Vista.
XP was a very sucessful upgrade, imho, becaused it solved a real problem, which some people might not remember. Windows 98 and ME were very unstable and when a program crashed you always had to reboot your machine. XP, for the most part did away with that. What sell point does Windows 7 have that vista really didnt already have? Ask an xp user if there is something he cant do on his computer that he can do on a windows 7 machine, and he will answer no. So niether Vista or Windows 7 are problem solvers, and potentaly a MAJOR headache for XP upgraders. So unless the price is attractive enough to put up with the pain of incompatible hardware/software, making sure your personal data isnt wiped by the upgrade, ect, then I forsee at least 85%to 95% of xp users just saying "yeah, I heard its nice, I'll get it when I buy a new PC".
As stated above, it's no surprise that early pricing may be a bit steep for many users. the same goes for all software and hardware. But also keep in mind, for those of you who are complaining that it is nothing more than a Service Pack for Vista... I am sure the upgrade version will be much cheaper anyway, if you want to treat it as a service pack instead of a new install.
I always wonder why OSs get slammed for high prices, while games can be sold for 1/4 the price or more. How long do you use an OS? 3-5 years. How long do you play a game for? 5-10 hours of singleplayer and another few hundred hours of multiplayer if you like it alot.

Then compare the complexity of an OS and a game. Then compare the prices. Then complain about game prices, not OS prices.
[citation][nom]randomizer[/nom]I always wonder why OSs get slammed for high prices, while games can be sold for 1/4 the price or more. How long do you use an OS? 3-5 years. How long do you play a game for? 5-10 hours of singleplayer and another few hundred hours of multiplayer if you like it alot.Then compare the complexity of an OS and a game. Then compare the prices. Then complain about game prices, not OS prices.[/citation]
But games are constantly getting better and better with graphics and abilities and innovations as hardware progresses. Windows just keeps getting more bloated as hardware progresses without adding much innovation. Transparent windows was not enough to get XP users to switch, neither will Libraries.
Win 7 RC is a bit faster than Vista, but we are talking seconds difference in load time, not minutes. It uses a bit fewer resources, but again we're talking 900 MB RAM vs. 1.2 GB RAM. It loads apps about the same, no measurable difference really. For what I paid for Vista Ultimate retail here in AUS, if they try to price Win 7 higher they can keep it. Both are (for me) better than XP, but I still keep me XP drive up to date with AV, updates etc.
[citation][nom]vettedude[/nom]But games are constantly getting better and better with graphics and abilities and innovations as hardware progresses. [/citation]Graphics, yes. Everything else is just a respin on something from a previous game. Physics are still poor, buggy and unrealistic and don't get me started on how pathetic AI still is. Even if a particular game is "innovative" they are now so short that you get a glimpse of this innovation and then it's over.

[citation][nom]vettedude[/nom]Windows just keeps getting more bloated as hardware progresses without adding much innovation. Transparent windows was not enough to get XP users to switch, neither will Libraries.[/citation]
That I agree with. Vista is 10x the size of XP and I can't for the life of me figure out why. However, the mere fact that Windows (usually) "just works" on such an incredibly large number of hardware configurations is mind-boggling in itself and M$ deserves a golf clap for that if nothing else.
Wouldn't it be less expensive to buy a console rather than upgrade your windows, if you're a gamer? Many stay on windows because of linux/mac lack of gaming support...
If you're a professional working with photoshop and all sorts of windows exclusive high-end software, you need windows.
But for many, a linux distro like ubuntu woud be enough, even for the non-technically-educated. They just don't know about the latest advances in desktop linux.
In the future, I prefer to make an effort and learn using a different operating system instead of making the effort to shell the cash.
[citation][nom]Relayer[/nom]Here is how you take care of M$ - Don't buy Windows 7. Going to the movies too expensive - Don't go. Do you think cable/satellite TV is too expensive - Call your provider and tell them to take their crap out of your house. Until people do this the prices will continue to up and up. Whining and complaining won't help. Not buying it will. That's how we got Win7 in the 1st place. Too many people are refusing to buy Vista. They are still insisting on XP. Don't give in. Keep running XP until M$ gives you what you want.[/citation]

Or you can just pirate your software, movies and watch your TV online.
Not having XPM in home sku's will hurt sales of windows 7. Home users mostly will stick with XP because they to have many programs they will not give up. Unless I can purchase a version with XPM ill not be upgrading. M$ you cant use compatibility as a sales pitch unless its something the average users does not have and most likely will never have. Average users will not have 2 sockets MB's, 2 video cards in a system, nor more than 10 PC on their home network. Use these things for higher SKU's and not XPM.
[citation][nom]spunks[/nom]...What sell point does Windows 7 have that vista really didnt already have? Ask an xp user if there is something he cant do on his computer that he can do on a windows 7 machine, and he will answer no. So niether Vista or Windows 7 are problem solvers, and potentaly a MAJOR headache for XP upgraders.[/citation]
Windows 7 comes with a ton of codecs already installed. All of my divx, xvid, etc., etc., videos work like a charm right out of the box, and every video streams through to my xbox 360 with ease. I haven't had to install one single codec to get any of my videos to play. XP and Vista can't hold a candle to it in that respect.
Ward also stressed that government agencies, small businesses-- even some schools--may not upgrade to Windows 7 initially, unable to afford the pricier operating system.

Sorry - Microsoft's academic and government pricing is based on FTE and is upgrade based. In other words, we don't pay for individual licenses of Windows - it's a contract based on the number of FTEs we have. The retail price is a non-issue. The only issue would be if Microsoft decides to renegotiate all of them.

Also - we wouldn't move to a campus-wide Mac license as their licensing model is HORRID: inflexible, clunky, very difficult to administer. If Apple would wake up and give us what we want - a realistic license - they might have a chance. Until then, they will keep getting dribs and drabs. That's just our campus, though. I know other campuses in our consortium are Mac, but I still hear the same complaints - hell, they use Excel to keep track of their Mac licenses. . . how archaic and clunky is that?
I'd pay a reasonable price, I have 3 legitimate copies of Vista only using one because I reverted to XP on my other two machines. If MS wants to overcharge for what should be Vista SP 2 then I guess I will turn to torrents till the price drops... I know I could just not buy it till the price drops but I think I'll be able to sleep at night if I don't.
Below is the original retail pricing from 98 to Vista that i've been able to dig up using google. It seems to me Windows 7 shouldn't be priced any higher than Vista was upon introduction in January 2007. I do agree that $400 for the Ultimate is overkill, as someone has mentioned buying a complete computer (lcd included) for less than that, lol.

Below is the pricing... if anyone has more accurate figures, please post them. Curiosity has me on this issue...

Initial Release Retail Pricing for Microsoft Windows 7

7 Starter
7 Home Basic $??? (Upgrade) / $??? (Full)
7 Home Premium $??? (Upgrade) / $??? (Full)
7 Business $??? (Upgrade) / $??? (Full)
7 Ultimate $??? (Upgrade) / $??? (Full)

Initial Release Retail Pricing for Microsoft Windows Vista

Vista Starter
Vista Home Basic $99 (Upgrade) / $199 (Full)
Vista Home Premium $159 (Upgrade) / $239 (Full)
Vista Business $199 (Upgrade) / $299 (Full)
Vista Ultimate $259 (Upgrade) / $399 (Full)

Initial Release Retail Pricing for Microsoft Windows XP
XP Home $99 (Upgrade) / $199 (Full)
XP Professional $199 (Upgrade) / $299 (Full)

Initial Release Retail Pricing for Microsoft Windows 2000

2000 Professional $149 (Upgrade; NT4 WS) / $319 (Full)
2000 Professional $219 (Upgrade; 95 98) / $319 (Full)

Initial Release Retail Pricing for Microsoft Windows ME

Millenium Edition $109 (Upgrade) / $209 (Full)

Initial Release Retail Pricing for Microsoft Windows 98 SE

98 Second Edition $??? (Upgrade) / $??? (Full)

Initial Release Retail Pricing for Microsoft Windows 98

98 $109 (Upgrade) / $209 (Full)

Any additions or corrections? Some of this information was hard to locate without perusing tons of google results. Just to make it clear, these are not OEM prices. 🙂

-- MaSoP
great list masop, I just want to point out, 1998 dollars are different values then 2007/8/9 dollars. Actually 2010 dolars will probaly be worth 1/1000 of a 1998 dollar. Windows 7 might actually be allot more expensive then Vista since the US dollar is headed too toilet paper levels.
[citation][nom]maximiza[/nom]great list masop, I just want to point out, 1998 dollars are different values then 2007/8/9 dollars. Actually 2010 dolars will probaly be worth 1/1000 of a 1998 dollar. Windows 7 might actually be allot more expensive then Vista since the US dollar is headed too toilet paper levels.[/citation]

Thanks. Yeah, it is true that todays dollar will always be worth less than yesterdays dollars unfortunately. If Microsoft wanted to get more buyers, they should ask less than what Vista sold for because of the state of the economy. For those with $$$, it really makes no difference what they sell it for, it will sell. For your average joe, including myself, I may be interested in the product, but not an inflated price, if it is going to mirror or exceed Vista upon it's initial release.

-- MaSoP
Corporate greed at it's best... if even dell (getting m$ crap at lowest prices) is complaining.
For a vi$hta $p2+, m$ is asking, as usually, a lot. The most burned will be, though, vi$hta fanboys, who already paid for the base system (and should be allowed to "upgrade" for free, being screwed once). But, being fanboys, they'll be double screwed, and gladly accept the treatment:
"Ooooh, wind(bl)ows (late$t ver$ion) is soooo much better!"
I have 3 vista machines and one running 7 RC, I truly must admit that the widows 7 machine does indeed run boot quicker then the others. HOWEVER If they don't offer a discount of 7 for vista owners, I don't this I will continue there services is off to Linux and Mac, I didn't spend over 500 dollars for 3 operating systems to be superseded in less that three years thats ridiculous
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