Dell UltraSharp 32 Ultra HD Monitor Review: The UP3214Q At $3500

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Yea, I'd pick this over using 3 monitors for a quarter the price... NOT!Oh, don't forget the 3 $500+ GPU you'd want to run flawless at such a res. 4k screens are still a joke. I don't see the point of reviewing such things. Even you're rich, using it for work, or retarded if you're looking to spend this much on a monitor.

It will be many years before 4K becomes mainstream like 1080p (for both TV and PCs). When LCD monitors for PCs came out in the early 00's, they were relatively expensive too. In 2003 I paid over $1,000 for a 20" Sony UXGA LCD which was the top of the line resolution back then (1600x1200). It was about $1500 in today's dollars (US). The typical sub-20" LCD back then was 1024x768 or 1280x1024, depending on size (this was before moving to 16:9 format from 4:3). In 2009 I finally upgraded to a 1920x1200 25.5" Samsung LCD for $400. So in six years I got a larger screen and better resolution for 1/3 the cost of that 20". It will remain to be seen how quickly 1440p/1600p monitors fall in price compared to when 1080p first came out. And I only recently upgraded to a 2560x1440 monitor ($700 LG).
I would get this if it was a 40" inch. 30" is too small for me at that resolution. I have the Dell U3011 30" at 2560x1600 and find the DPI is just fine considering I'm 2 feet from screen. Unfortunately, the current U3014 1600P is still $1k-1.5k so don't hold your breath on cheaper. Have to wait for the non pro models to come out to get cheaper where colour accuracy isn't important. I was also hoping for a 16:10 model and I think 16:9 is a consumer aspect and not pro. When you are editing a 16:9 video, you want it to be taller then the video, so you can have your menus and icons for your video editing software.
Current games aren't developed for such high resolution and I doubt a single title is to take any worthy advantage in 2 years time. Thus allowing AA+AF would require a lot of video RAM.
Current games aren't developed for such high resolution and I doubt a single title is to take any worthy advantage in 2 years time. Thus allowing AA+AF would require a lot of video RAM.
Think 4K for desktop, not games.For games, 1080p looks pretty damn good, and up-scaling to 4K on the monitor looks even better.But for 4K, a 32" monitor is ridiculously small. Text is tiny. Think of it this way, take four 25" 1080p monitors and put them together. That's a 50" 4K monitor.
Current games aren't developed for such high resolution and I doubt a single title is to take any worthy advantage in 2 years time. Thus allowing AA+AF would require a lot of video RAM.
Think 4K for desktop, not games. For games, 1080p looks pretty damn good, and up-scaling to 4K on the monitor looks even better. But for 4K, a 32" monitor is ridiculously small. Text is tiny. Think of it this way, take four 25" 1080p monitors and put them together. That's a 50" 4K monitor.
Current games aren't developed for such high resolution and I doubt a single title is to take any worthy advantage in 2 years time. Thus allowing AA+AF would require a lot of video RAM.
Think 4K for desktop, not games. For games, 1080p looks pretty damn good, and up-scaling to 4K on the monitor looks even better. But for 4K, a 32" monitor is ridiculously small. Text is tiny. Think of it this way, take four 25" 1080p monitors and put them together. That's a 50" 4K monitor.
Not for Consumer use... I've got the $3400 Asus PQ321Q at work, I'd NEVER buy it for home use (have 1440's at home, MUCH better choice for home use). The Asus is a great monitor for 4k work... but the fact that you basically need at least a $1000 Titan to run them (unless you want to run multiple video cables to it) means your graphics will cost 2x what your machine costs (consumer machines)... doesn't make sense.
@wiinippongamerand that will die within 2y.why do you think is there no more than 1 or 2 OLED sets available from any of the big tv makers?
@bondfc11and i guess you have it.. the different resolutions come from the difference in aspect ratio between cinema (20:9) and tv (16:9). one of the reasons sony and other tv makers call it Ultra HD but almost everyone uses 4k as a general name (e.g. like PUFFs. i know instantly that you mean tissue...)And 4k is here. At least in more than 10000 theaters in this country for more than 10y with upscaling from 1080 to 2/4k. one of the reasons why sony has an advantage on pic quality (at least for tvs)..
The problem is that it doesn't work. It has a significant wake from sleep bug that makes it unusable on Windows. I am amazed that it did not get mentioned here. I returned mine after having consistent failures on wake from sleep and reboots - on Windows 8 and Winows 8.1. I tested with a single Titan, 2x 780TIs in SLI, and 2x 290X in Crossfire, with a myriad of drivers. DO NOT BUY THIS MONITOR UNTIL THEY FIX THE FIRMWARE.Here is the thread on Dell's site:

I did not encounter this behavior or I surely would have reported it. But I only connected the monitor to a Windows 7 system using a Radeon HD7770. It sounds like the issue is specific to Windows 8 or 8.1.


Not even a mention of the display bit depth or capability of 3D LUTS? Obviously you are not qualified to review professional monitors as you don't seem aware of what us pros actually use to determine if its upto snuff. FYI: 4K is the new 3D, it will take another 5-10 years before the masses get this at home. We don't even do vfx at this level yet in most all movies ( and I've worked on many box office vfx hits over the last 20 years) . And 4k stereoscopic playback at 32 float? Try about 3000 MB per second SUSAINED. Thunderbolt 2 wont even get a third of that "sustained" level of playback. In 2014 this quantity still cost minimum 30k in hardware plus software ( or a Flame system.)

The UP3214Q uses a 10-bit native panel. As far as I can determine it does not support a 3D LUT internally. You would have to use a software LUT to adjust color luminance along with hue and saturation.

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