Dell Windows XP Professional x64 Reinstallation Disc


Jan 2, 2014
I bought one of these discs on eBay (Part No. 0P949K) and inside the CD envelope there was also a product key sticker. The sticker isn't for the Windows XP Pro 64 bit but for Windows XP Pro 32 bit.

Do the Dell reinstallation disc's come with a product key sticker? Is this a pirated copy? It came sealed and new.
did you use a OEM disk? Back there OEM, Retail, Volume License keys were NOT compatible with each other. You had to make sure to use that type of Key with that type of disk unlike today with 7 and up.
Dell's are activated though the BIOS since Windows XP. So long as it is DELL INSTALL DISK and so long as that PC is having that OS or lower installed on it it will activated.


If a Dell from 2010 that came with Windows 7 on it, Vista or XP could be installed on it and activate automatically so long as it is a DELL install disk.

So try installing the disk and so long as it is a 64bit disk it should install.

If not try the product key on the disk or the one on the tower. I don't think there was a difference between 32 and 64 bit keys a lot likes how vista an up is but so long as it is a Home to a Home and a Pro to a Pro etc.
It installed it without a problem but the product on the system and sticker are different (checked it with Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder). I tried to changing the product key using Microsoft's recommended steps, just to make sure that the product key on the sticker is legit but it doesn't work.