[SOLVED] Dell XPS 600 Front Panel pinout

Jun 27, 2020
Hey there,

I found my old Dell XPS 600 PC and I fell in love again with that case.
I got a mobo with an Intel I5 for free. I got everything connectect exept the front panel. Does anyone know the pinout of the front panel? The front panel is connected with the original motherboard via a 34 pin cable
This is how the front panel looks like.
The cable looks like this.
The Motherboard looks like this.
Is anybody out there who knows the pinout and could help me with my problem?
Thanks alot!
One wire at a time. One connector at a time.
You're actually lucky. The other XPS from that era were BTX form factor and you would be dealing with that can of worms also.
Dell doesn't publish those pinouts, and changes them all the time. Many functions can be there. Thermal sensor, diagnostic LEDs. many things that don't apply to your new MB. Using a multimeter you can probably determine which 2 pins connect when you push the power button. I would just use theose 2 wires to your MB, and put the USB/sound ports etc. into a floppy bay.
Your best bet for finding someone who knows this would be Dell Community Forums. Dell won't help you with this, but sometimes users can help. Luck of the draw whether anyone has done that particular computer.
Not all of those cables have the blank pin in the same place either. You can decode the USB and sound ports the same way.
The reason this isn't done much is it would only apply to 1 or 2 models of Dell anyway.

thanks for your quick answer. I only would use the Power Button , the two usb ports and the Audio ports. The remainig pins, as you said , for temp sensor and diagnostic led , i dont need them and they wouldnt fit in my new mobo.
Oh damn that sounds not good, so I guess I have no choice and have to usw a multimeter.