Desktop pc making an electrical buzzing sound


Feb 24, 2017
So i let my pc downloading games at the night, when i woke up it was making some buzzing electrical sounds, i do not know if it was because i left it on all night. help please, should i worry about this? is it a thing that could damage my pc?
Okay so first thing is to buy an air can, you can pretty much get them from any handy man kind of shops. Use the air can from about 60cm-1M away from the target in quick bursts, as in around fans.

Use an antistatic cloth to clean any dust around you pc, becareful around the motherboard and make sure the PSU power cable is unplugged including turning the switch off at the back.

The buzzing noise can either be coming from the Hard Drive, Motherboard, PSU or GPU. A fan doesn't really buzz that much but it could be the fan motor which is in the centre of one.

A motherboard, PSU and GPU all have capacitors and if one is dying or damaged it can buzz then pop.

The buzzing sound i would most likely guess is from the PSU or GPU as coil...
Question from chriswa2002 : "Desktop pc making an electrical buzzing sound"


That to me sounds like it could be the most logical explanation. I'd check the fans first to see if something is blocking them (loose wire, not screwed down, etc). Then you could start checking other hardware to see what the problem is.
I rarely find dirt or dust directly causes a PC to fail.

...but I think the best way to clean is using compressed air....and not too close....just enough to blow the dust out.

If the noise is coming from the PSU...I wouldn't jerk around with it and I would buy a new PSU.
Okay so first thing is to buy an air can, you can pretty much get them from any handy man kind of shops. Use the air can from about 60cm-1M away from the target in quick bursts, as in around fans.

Use an antistatic cloth to clean any dust around you pc, becareful around the motherboard and make sure the PSU power cable is unplugged including turning the switch off at the back.

The buzzing noise can either be coming from the Hard Drive, Motherboard, PSU or GPU. A fan doesn't really buzz that much but it could be the fan motor which is in the centre of one.

A motherboard, PSU and GPU all have capacitors and if one is dying or damaged it can buzz then pop.

The buzzing sound i would most likely guess is from the PSU or GPU as coil whine. I get coil whine from my GPU the most while im playing Hearthstone, BF1 or Farcry 4. It can be very random.

Stick your head in your case and listen out for the noise.