News Dev Boots Linux 292,612 Times to Find 1 in 1,000 Kernel Bug

So can we get a update? If there is a certain range of hardware. I don't k know but this felt like giving us the problem and not telling what kind of hardware is likely to replicate the issue..
So can we get a update? If there is a certain range of hardware. I don't k know but this felt like giving us the problem and not telling what kind of hardware is likely to replicate the issue..
As usual, the article has a source link, near the top.

I had already clicked on it to find out more details, but that's just a short blog post with more links and some comments. I didn't bother to go any further, but I'm sure the answers are there to be found.

I thought this might be covered better on Phoronix, so I just checked. Saw no mention of it, but this related work sounds promising:
So can we get a update? If there is a certain range of hardware. I don't k know but this felt like giving us the problem and not telling what kind of hardware is likely to replicate the issue..
Since the link is from the RedHat blog, I'd expect it on mainline linux and any supported RedHat release. Last linked in top linked page to kernel org, so there's your log.

In other news, it's a miracle they didn't go into a martial trance demonstrating it for the kernel WG at the 293,000th BEEEP or whatever.